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GTitan luck
7-9 Stars average. I got mine at 11.9 stars go figure lol a couple of attempts no increase in lucky stars either.Helpful Links
Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .
If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.
Moderators Be Thou for the People.
-Kind Regards V
-What's left in the not always what you wish for!
got it on 7th star
but it was like a total of 15 triesServer : (S42)Tinosia Delta
IGN: futa
Class: Combat Rogue
Level: 100(Eidolon)
Ranking: Emperor
Suggestions to those who want to play combat rogue in seng:
1.always have a good ping
2.always have a good fps
if you dont have the above then you should always be prepare to die before your dash reaches your target
hmm seems like my gt is bugged first try on gryph 2 stars then nothing happend when i press several times and boom i see allmost 7 stars 494 gmuts where gone then the game crashed and when i logged in i had 3 stars on the gt onmy way too gryph wth... filled a ticket cuz my gmuts where gone and i had 3 stars again all i was told in 3 letters was Lucky star cant be revert and sry all that kind of stuff... So they telling me after 2 stars first try i used another 12 tryes too get one more star ??? just feel like they making jk about i used all those real cash too sell fate shop items spending a week making gmuts is like goneand when i try get help you being told it cant be happining so wanna hear i anyone had used 500 gmuts too get 3 stars only ?