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Unfair competion (Avernal Realm)

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  • Unfair competion (Avernal Realm)

    I have not seen something unfair since aura's in seng. But one player in Realm completely ruins a whole event for everyone. (This is level 40-79 Realm) This player is clearly OP and while they are legaly in due to level, the amount of power they posses, should have them registered as level 80+ event.

    After 10 mins into the event

    The first place player is over twice as many points ahead as second place. Just so not cool. and the other players from 2nd to 7th are all within respectable margins for fair competition.

    After 20 mins into event

    After this amount of time, there is almost no change in how the point gap is. 2nd place is still the same person.

    Last couple mins of combat.

    At this point the gap in points have changed dramatically, but only on a technicality. The first place person had gotten killed and people was disconnecting. But the first place person was just so far ahead, that it didn't matter to his death. he was just too far ahead. It also seems we might actually kill this boss too.

    End of combat

    The end has come and the scores look like ****. I my self have disconnected as the screen is loading once again. I didn't even know if we actually killed the boss or not. it sucks so bad i couldn't see what the fruits of my labor bore. Still first place is still won by a huge gap. Fact was, there was noi first place to even begin with. it was all about 2nd-7th.

    There needs to be something that if a player is litteraly that far ahead and there is no hop of catching up, the player is some how removed from first place. I'm not saying take everything from him, but i would see it as giving the select player his own reward so the other more equal players can achieve a proper place on the board instead of having some OP player ruin it for everyone.

    I don't have any screen shots of the players and their stats yet, but i will get some so i can see how much of an unfair advantage there was between the top 7 players.
    Last edited by R2288716; 06-22-2012, 01:44 PM.

    Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^

  • #2
    He would have been eaten alive in the upper tier. You should have seen how many points Aedre got.
    Vampire Prince
    • Server: Aurora Point
    • Character: Alexmancerx
    • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
    • Level: Eidolon 120
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    • Guild: TheWanted
    • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Alexmancer View Post
      He would have been eaten alive in the upper tier. You should have seen how many points Aedre got.
      Idk, need to see what his stats are, but it would seem something more like, between tiers if that is the truth. and being between tiers can be a bad thing or good thing depending how picky GMs are. I played some games they would ban you for 1/2 an hour if you was to powerfull in an area making easy kills.

      Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^


      • #4
        In my own opinion, nothing is wrong with it. Avernal Realm has two level categories which is for levels 40 - 79 and the other is for levels 80 - 100. As long as a player is qualified to enter then it is fair. Every player tries to become as strong as they can be to dominate in game. Putting a "balancer buff" will only make the player's effort go to waste. If you have any suggestions to improve the Avernal Realm then we suggest that you post it in the Suggestions and feedback section.


        • #5
          Originally posted by R2CS_Mark View Post
          In my own opinion, nothing is wrong with it. Avernal Realm has two level categories which is for levels 40 - 79 and the other is for levels 80 - 100. As long as a player is qualified to enter then it is fair. Every player tries to become as strong as they can be to dominate in game. Putting a "balancer buff" will only make the player's effort go to waste. If you have any suggestions to improve the Avernal Realm then we suggest that you post it in the Suggestions and feedback section.
          Kinda the point here. I'm hoping to gather the stats of the select top players so more information will be available, that way if tweaks can be made, you all would have a better idea of what or how to make them. One big issues is the lag and massive instability of the event. I my self have DC at least 3-4 times. even turned all the graphics off and all that and it still was brutal.

          Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^


          • #6
            Whatever finding you will have that will be beneficial in improving the Avernal Realm or even the whole game, you are free to suggest and it will be looked upon for consideration.


            • #7
              Originally posted by R2CS_Mark View Post
              Whatever finding you will have that will be beneficial in improving the Avernal Realm or even the whole game, you are free to suggest and it will be looked upon for consideration.
              That why I'm here.

              Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^


              • #8
                Keep in mind that the realm can only be done once a day- so the OP player in question won't be at the other time available.

                People asked for an all out arena with no balancer buffs- the compromise is that we pound on mobs instead of players. People asked for lvl 80+ to be separated from lower levels- and that's what's been done here. It doesn't get more fair than this.

                There will always be someone more OP than everyone else in every level bracket. At least with the lvl 79 and below, the OP player will eventually level into the next bracket. At the 80+ level, the only way to beat those top players is to diligently work on our characters. But hey, it gives us all a goal to work towards.
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                • #9


                  • #10
                    This event is also to find out howmuch damage your character can exactly put out, seeing as all competitors still get points to save up. The lesser dps-types require more patience to get the same rewards, but then again the #1 used his time and patience to improve his character; You need more time to get the rewards, he used more time to improve his char. Seems fair to me.
                    Le derp alt. I remembered I'm logged on this account after I posted.
                    IGN: Smurfs16
                    Server: Windshear peaks - Emperor
                    [Eidolon] Holy priest Lv100 supporting with curses.

