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DC Rant

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  • DC Rant

    nicely said!!
    i hav used up to 100 DC now to get to +7
    how r u gonna compensate that? i guess u wont atleast confirm that its bugged i wont waste my DC again
    ps: mine is still not 7 yet -_-

  • #2
    Originally posted by diablu View Post
    nicely said!!
    i hav used up to 100 DC now to get to +7
    how r u gonna compensate that? i guess u wont atleast confirm that its bugged i wont waste my DC again
    ps: mine is still not 7 yet -_-

    i gave up on mine after 80 wasted dc's lol


    • #3
      the wasted dc has nothing to do with the christmas tree.. and btw.. the dc aren't bugged, i used 250dc to up my frag 4 times and i went from aug 1 to aug 4
      Spouse:Yangin ♥ Femaso ~//~ StarFrost ♥ AngelOfWrath
      Guild: Yangin: Somnium,AGM ~//~Starfrost in SoR
      Lvl: 160 Eido Rogue ~//~ lvl 120 Bm Hybrid
      Pets: A Lot!!
      Sperion:Superior Eternal lvl 120
      Server: S59 Riggie, S68 Yangin, S64 StarFrost
      Wings: Divine Wings
      Weapon: Immortal Aug
      Pixie: Celestial Stage
      Mount: lvl 20 Jiyaori- lvl 20 kyuubi

      Spawn Off DeathDealer and AngelBlade

      Be yourself, Don't let them walk over yourself...
      Be Happy..Never give up..


      • #4
        i am sry shdnt hav continued it here will carry on in the bug disc thread
        Last edited by diablu; 12-20-2014, 10:48 AM.


        • #5
          you used 100 DC for +7 damn, i used 50 Enchantment Crystal and 12 DC to get that. 'Use EC to get to +4 then DC for the rest thats what i do
          Last edited by SwiftBow90; 12-20-2014, 10:45 AM. Reason: typo


          • #6
            Originally posted by SwiftBow90 View Post
            you used 100 DC for +7 damn, i used 50 Enchantment Crystal and 12 DC to get that. 'Use EC to get to +4 then DC for the rest thats what i do
            oh pls i do know how to enchant stuff not mad enough to used DCs for first four enchants
            well the dc enchant issue is not only with me but a bunch of us who starter as BM mains in our server
            so either u r really lucky to get it in just 12 dcs on BM or u r not playing as a BM and just came here to be a smart person ...i hope u r the first guy


            • #7
              Off-topic posts moved.

