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Missing Items?
Missing Items?
A: Yittien, Dragon Pals, Eternal Saga, Lunaria Story, Blade Hunter, ZAMP, Blood And Jade, Crusaders of Solaria, Nova Genesis, Winterfrost
B: Broken Realm (S1)Rima, (S4)FULLMETAL, (S4) and (S5)Who, Crystal Saga (S50)Opossum, and (S50)Aido, Wartunes (S79)Yukki, Castlot, Monkey King Online, Knight's Fable, LOA, Shadowbound, HOTB
Other: City of Steam
With the closing of Broken Realm (Aug 14, 2014) I will no longer be an active part of R2Games community.
Just kidding ... Maybe ...Tags: None
The receiving toon (in this case, your main) must reside inside the dungeon until it has received all passed items. Rolling and then immediately leaving the dungeon will forfeit any and all items still in the process of being rolled on.
Currently, there is no way to hide any icons, however that suggestion has been forwarded to the team numerous times. Hopefully, by some miracle, the devs work something out in the near future.