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Genius bug

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  • Genius bug

    I just wanna say great job R2 for messing up the pet skill book Genius for the freaking 10th time now.

    Original stats were suppose to give 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% but they were boosting based on the gen 1 raw maturity so if u had gen 1 with 12.0/13.5 BA/DK and lvl 1 genius on it you would get 12.4/13.5 then at gen 5 if the same BA/DK had 30.0/35.0 maturity for example you would still gain 4% from the 12.0/13.5 instead of the freaking 30.0/35.0

    I reported this with a freaking clear explaination that a lil kid would understand and they assured a fix for it. Then a maint came after weeks, guess what they decided to do?!

    lvl 1 Genius will now give 0.4% at lvl 1, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1% at lvl 4. Thanks for the nerf now we can delete whenever our pet learns the skill.

    NOW TELL ME *** DOES 1% boost of 12.0/13.5?! What the hell is the use of 0.12 maturity boost huh?! Even if you got ur pet to gen 5 it still boosts just that 0.12!

    HOWEVER this wasn't the real case, even though R2 made the tooltip changed they screwed up the real effect of the skills. THEY got fixed somehow and they were giving real 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% maturity boost even while their describtion showed otherwise. GOOD GOING R2.

    BUT NOW they messed it up again, apparently they changed it back or something but not mentioned in the maint list or some random change triggered to bug it.

    My 26.1/27.6 BA at gen 4 had enlightenment lvl 2 and it got to 27.3/27.6 but then I thought the Genius was fixed so I rebirthed cos lvl 4 genius would've mean 10% of the 26.1 raw which is 2.6 but guess what!

    Now my BA has genius lvl 2 and it got from 26.1/27.6 to 26.6/27.6 GOOD JOB R2.

    So yeah u can expect me to be ****** because I sent 3 reports with screenshots and everything on what was bugged and how to fix it but you guys screwed it all over instead. In my ticket I was promised to be refunded with my Genius books but they decided to back off on that aswell and not refund me anything, or atleast they decided to ignore my ticket for over 1 week.

    I just want to show you guys that this happened to me and those that decide to make an all out BA or DK from gen 1 to gen 5, then forget about Genius. The skill is bugged.

    Before they fixed in this week the skill expander bug I lost over 8 skill expanders because each time I unlocked the 5 newly locked skill slots and rebirthed the pet. They would get locked again. IT was obviously a bug but I decided to not even ask for a refund because that's how high my hopes got with their support.

    I just want to say Thanks alot for the fun you gave me, but I am tired of it now.

    Sorry if I come over rude or as someone spoiled, I am just sad and disappointed because in the end I gained nothing but grey hairs. I didn't even get my Genius books refunded =/.

    -Just a disappointed player-

  • #2
    ooo bug niiice.
    Last edited by mugicrops3; 11-03-2012, 05:00 PM.

