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Lvl80 captains with noob weap

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  • Lvl80 captains with noob weap

    Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lvl 80 captains!!!!!!!!!
    not sure if i got all of them but im sure i was the only one who was on the mount and the rest are pure alts that are lvl 80
    Attached Files

  • #2
    These are what we call "bots" -- unmanned, programmed toons that's become quite a pest problem. Do report said bots via ticket here: Provide their IGN with the server and a screenshot of their toon. Once the team confirms their status, they will proceed to ban them.


    • #3
      reverie.. please include their main and also the ip address of the person who used that.. or is it already included?


      • #4
        -_- i have to make another post


        • #5
          With bots, it's rather difficult to pinpoint an exact main. The only current form of bot-control is with the assistance of players from reporting servers. The team will manually ban each reported bot after confirmation.


          • #6
            server 79 Shimmering Glade


            • #7
              As initially posted, you will need to report bots via ticket here:


              • #8
                you can trace the ip address of each bot users sight?


                • #9
                  We are able to check the IP address of said account as well as perform IP bans. However, this will all occur beyond your reporting. Simply report bots at your leisure and the team will take it from there.


                  • #10
                    Reverie, Dealing with one bot at a time is pretty far fetched, seeing as they make hundreds of toons daily. It's becoming a big annoyance and lag issues are i think much more greater than what it use to be...
                    If you actually want to see those bots at work, go to monster island xD you'll see tons of them (Mostly on at Quiz times) But i dare you to go there, it'll tell you there are max players for every single
                    instance (1-9) and you will find them in the corners, just run around lol.
                    It truly is becoming a massive problem >.>
                    Thanks though and good luck
                    Server: (S73)Green Plains
                    IGN: (S73)Aura
                    Level: 180 eido
                    Class: Rogue
                    Guild: 憎悪 (Hatred)

                    "You can read, but knowledge is only information.
                    Wisdom is translating that knowledge to application."

                    K - Rino


                    • #11
                      I'm very well aware of our pest problem, however reporting each one single-handedly is currently our team's only method of sweeping bots. It's not an efficient means of control, but it's all we can do at the moment.


                      • #12
                        yes precisely. what's the use of banning bots if the main user can crate another bot? hahahaha .. what kind of system do you have -______-


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by slapjack View Post
                          yes precisely. what's the use of banning bots if the main user can crate another bot? hahahaha .. what kind of system do you have -______-
                          If they could do hardware bans that'd be crucial, but doubt it's possible to get such info through a browser game.

