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Pet Questions!!!

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  • Pet Questions!!!


    Since i cant find the answer to this anywere il ask here,

    The Pet Training the one to increase the stats for 10 gold or 10 crystals :

    What is the max cap we can raise the stats to?
    Do the stats remain after pet rebirth? Or after Pet Fusion?

    The Pet Enchantment:

    I have seen we can go beyong +13 so what is the new max now ? +18? If so +18 cant be reached with Maturity Stones so how can we get so high?
    Pet items are the max ench to them like ours +18? Again with what items?

    Pet Skills:

    My pet with a maturity of 10.1 out of 13.8 wont learn any skills? How can i get him to learn some? Increase the Maturity? Open more skill slots? Hes lvl 82 allready
    My Pet is a DeadKnight with lvl 4 FireLord skills if i rebirth him using a scroll will he lose those skills ?
    Is there anywere of list of pet Skills?

    Pet Equipment:

    I have socketed some and put some gems in them also enchanted some, but wen i scroll over them they dont show any sockets with gems nor enchantment lvl... tough i do get the bonuses from them.......Is this normal? Or a bug? Noticed this on few of my characters

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Pet Enchantment
    Yep +18 is the max and it can be reached with Mat Stones just hard since % shown is a lie like for all enchanting

    Pet Skills
    Matuity has nothing to do with pet skill learning, Maturity is just for the stat points your pet gets per level, higher mat = higher stat points.
    Opening skill slots is the way to go, they stay even after rebirthing/merging.
    Only their default skills is kept, other skills which have been learned via lvl up get deleted.

    Pet Equipment
    Just a display bug, same goes for Heraldy seals when you imbue them, when you view them while equiped it doesn't show the imbue, I'm sure there's some others but that's all that comes to mind.

    All I know, duno answer to your other questions, sorry. Hope I helped~
    'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'


    • #3
      Max training cap for pet is 100 per attri if not using crystals, if you will, I believe it was 1000 (from what I recall heard that from somewhere).

      +18 pet enhancement level CAN be obtained with MS, nothing else. However it takes like 10-20 stacks to get it, so it's highly recommendable to get the "foods" to just like max +15 - +16, and only main (if even that) to +18.

      Just down to luck, but make sure to always have 1 open skill slot incase it learns a skill during the leveling. Don't wait till 45, and 80 for it to unlock the skill slots, why? Because for example by 45 you've sacrificed 44 potential levels it coulda learnt a skill during. However from what I've heard/seen, male pets tend to learn more attack skills while females learns more supportive skills.

      Visual bug, relogging fixes the enchants/gems not showing on the pet equips.

