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Events from 0:00 to 3:00

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  • Events from 0:00 to 3:00

    I think it would be nice if 3 events are added at 0:00 1:00 and 2:00. Like another deli, seng, gr, or crypt. Please support me. The game will be alot funner if they add them... Thank you for your support

  • #2
    i agree... the times i can come on on a normal day for me is when all awesome events are not live....


    • #3
      Why would they want to make an event at midnight? People need sleeps.
      A werewolf, A wearwolf, A warewolf, Aware wolf.


      • #4
        Because lots of players not on server time. Gives them a chance to have fun too.


        • #5
          we're in different parts of the world


          • #6
            Event times are based on the local time of the server, which is a part of the license agreement R2 has with the owners of the game. They are not able to create static events outside of the normal times for the timezone.
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            • #7
              Why not, that doesnt make since...


              • #8
                and i have been playng with aeria games longer the cs


                • #9
                  Whether or not it makes sense, it's just how it is, how it has been for over a year, and it's not likely to change any time soon. The original version has events during the US night time, R2 can't move the times to the US night time or it would be competing with the original and would be a breech of the contract between the two companies.
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                  Rules of the Forum are found here.

                  R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


                  • #10
                    That would make since if the game wasn't bought out...

