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Holy Favor Speculation

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  • Holy Favor Speculation

    During a bath run with a friend of mine we both noticed something rather odd. Only us two out of our entire party were not taking significant damage from the bath as we normally would. Nobody was standing near the lightning either. We all were perfectly placed in the same location..The only difference were all of our Holy Favor levels. Mine was at nine while my friend was at eight. His health stayed just below mine the entire bath while the others depleted drastically. So my guess is that from reading the original Holy favor guide that something is hidden from our knowledge about every level of the system. I would like to know what exactly it is. The line from the final part of the guide states this "[Special Surprise] You'll notice something new about your character every so many levels of Holy Favor."
    I asked around S89 and nobody seemed to have an idea of what I was talking or what it could be. I have never noticed it in my others servers up till now but i am rather interested to find out more information about what is truly happening with the holy favor that I'm spending my money on

  • #2
    Are you a priest? The int bonus from holy favor could increase your heal, thereby change the proportion of health gained relative to health lost in the bath. Other than that I do not see how it could influence it in that way. If anything, the extra HP would make each strike from the bath more painful, thus requiring more heal.

    That special surprise is an aura at 5, a sightly larger aura at 10, and who knows what at 30K points (probably an even bigger aura). That's about it.


    • #3
      I am a ranger and at the time i was doing it with a rogue.

