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Devoid,Blink,Daimon Shield

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  • Devoid,Blink,Daimon Shield

    My Devoid(rogue skill) has an 11% chance to instant kill a non-player after having 30%hp and lower but not sure whether the skill only works on mobs and not bosses b/c It never procs on either of the mine bosses nor the Public dungeon bosses after constant use of the skill. Does it not work on bosses or is my luck just bad?

    Another thing I wanted 2 bring up is the fact that mages can use their skill "Blink" in Necro/Divine fruit transporting and Magic Mine when rogues can't use slayers sprint or at least let slayers march active in the events. Or just disable blink in there so it's fair for all classes.

    Also is Daimon Shield(Ranger skill) bugged? Negative effects still work on the player if they're shield activated. The negative effects only go away if they had em before the shield activated. So basically u can just stun a ranger for 2sec till his shield goes away.

    Blade Dance(Rogue skill) It says the damage is equal to 3% of the targets hp but the max dmg is 120(for lvl1). I've attacked several different mobs and blade dance always does 120dmg so it really doesn't do 3% of the targets hp?

    ~ty. . . forgot 2 add Blade Dance 2 title

  • #2
    No, Daimon Shield says it makes you invinsible for 2 secs (immune to dmg) and that it removes your and I quote 'removes all negative effects currently being applied to character'

    Blade Dance says 3% hp and dmg is 120, you do 120 with it and 120 is max.
    The 3% hp is aimmed at normal low lvl mobs I assume and 3% of hp per hit would be too op, you already got 2 hits per skill/default you got advantage via Death Odor c:

    No idea about Devoid but R2 %'s are terrible to be fair.
    'Do transformers get car or life insurance?'


    • #3
      The devoid skill works on bosses and mobs alike i've used it in the past to clear evil beast sanctuary and spernal ruins when i was a weakling. It also works on players just really low chance you should max it out to be more effective. Same with your blade dance the % doesn't really many anything when there is a max cap on damage at max lvl it will do 3300 can be useful on mobs like the snowmen and invader. Fun part about blade dance is it can be used to bypass protections such as in island of blessings and chambers of fate or hell storm if you enter right as it starts the timer will start right away and end befor the event closes giving you a small window 10-30secs to attack someone blade dance will ignore the protection givin to ppl who enter later and are unable to attack, you're not gonna kill anyone with it but it fun to do.

      The blink skill being used in the fruit delivery and magic mine also works in fairy sister event. The rogue answer to this is on the combat side with lightstream if you have all 3 upgrades of it you can cover alot of ground.

      Bonus fun as a rogue in delivery befor you enter to deliver cast sprint and cloak then enter(with the enter delivery windows open you can open your inventory by clicking the bag and this will allow you to cast skills off hot key to be fast) now enter and you can run fast to delivery. The cloak part to keep you invisible will not work but the speed boost does stay with you making you run faster.

