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est vs west servers

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  • est vs west servers

    im originally from s5 (nick is (s5)evelina) but moved to s39 because of my timezone. i had friends in s5 so i still login once in a blue moon, and did so before xmas events. when so they had nice compensation and downtime packs. 2 diff ones i rly enjoyed and couldnt wait to have on the server i actually use. i figured s5 is ahead in time so s39 will get it after maintenance. i was dead wrong, still waiting for those packs too.

  • #2
    compensation for part of the affected servers and not all of them is low we all had and felt the why would you only comp half you worked so hard and nothing to show for it.


    • #3
      Yes, I had heard some servers had received compensation packs already to make up for the 2 weeks of CS being virtually unplayable. If this is true why haven't S35 and our associated merged players got them too?
      We appear to have all suffered problems so please treat all servers the same and make sure we get our compensation packs too.


      • #4
        yea i mean we're all practically merged too, west is also with s6. so thats vs s6 and all merged with it.


        • #5
          hmm after 3 months, when I was away from anything related to R2 games, things not changed at all, recycled events, bugs all the same I left, as well as I can see R2 not going to be fair with every one, shame to see game company hit this low, so now I just see many things going the same way who killed other online gaming services.
          and even they do not admit their own issues that affect ALL servers there is no such thing as only east or only west, so that is only fair to compensate for both sides, so this matter will show how competent R2 is....
          my guess nothing will come from this, like always... so guys n girls in R2 staff out here, time to prove that u care about your players


          • #6
            P.S. like my avatar say I do not give a damn any more, so I do not care about compensation I was not aroud at the time but from things I know from guys n girls who was still alive n kicking that is the only answer in my head why the servers was dead, if my guess correct then R2 have worst staff ever from all gaming services I know and this not the first time this happens so what reason coding team even gets cash paid for them


            • #7
              16 hours of downtime, weeks of log in diffuculty and extreme lag making it it nearly impossible to play. And pvp east gets compensation but not pvp west? I've been very patient to this point. R2, please rectify this. All servers were affected, all servers need to be compensated.

              Not so 2Old2Care afterall!


              • #8
                I am on S35 we are still waiting for compensation for the weeks server was downtime. There were people who couldn't even log in those weeks. Please I hope we all get soon on all servers.


                • #9
                  im from S10 and why did the east servers get packs for the server being down and not being able to be logged on for weeks and the west servers had the same thing and we didnt get anything at all and were still haveing problems and its slowly getting worce so r2 please fix this problem or something


                  • #10
                    Give us Packs or Dare From Us (S44)nesonafei Better To Give it :3


                    • #11
                      Those weeks of server issues made me question why i pay for VIP (which i still do). It was horrible trying to play for those weeks. Now with the knowledge that some were compensated and others were not makes me question why I am still paying for VIP. Please do the right thing.



                      • #12
                        this is why i wouldnt cash here anymore.

