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Doubt about increasing stats...

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  • Doubt about increasing stats...

    Hello everyone, i just have a question regarding increasing your stats ,( endurance, strength, int, etc)

    1. What is the best system to increase your stats for a non casher?

    2. Some characters in the new servers have stats like 1000- 2000 str, 1000-2000 int., even though they are just lvl 60-70?!
    how is it possible? is it possible for a non casher, or just by cashing systems like tenets, holy favor, or anything else, which i missed out??

    3. As i said before, is there anyway for a non casher to attain stats lik 1000 str, before the scion mark? as extravagant as it seems? becoz if not, then it seems that cashers are way ahead of non cashers than i imagined....

    4. Thanks for reading, and ill be really obliged if anyone can clear this out for me,ty

  • #2
    Since you said new servers, I doubt they have a high enough soul. However soul is your best bet in getting quite the endurance/strength/intellect/agility.)

    However, if that's what you want to focus on(just the attribute), here are the few best systems for it:

    Note: I'll list where you can get the items if items are needed for the system.

    1) Tenets (minus endurance/agility)
    Besides endurance and agility, this will give the most stats and comes with crit dmg to boost.
    - ladder crystal shards, wrangler(exchanging iron disk), public dungeon, Red dragon coins, Green dragon coins
    2) Holy favor
    This might be one of the best ones farming wise. Since you can get particles form any dungeons 30+. Will take awhile but there are other events that provide it too
    - Tokens, nether, public dungeon to name a few.

    3) Heraldy
    This might take awhile and it's your choice. However, you can make 8 seals of dreams(int/str) or 8 seal of evils(agi/end)
    - Can acquire rune of evils from l6-7 corrupt.
    - Can get rm from black dragon coin, wrangler, ladder crystal shard.
    - Can get rune protection stone if you wish from red dragon coin, green dragon coin, ladder crystal shard.

    4) Monster handbook
    Only limiting factor is that you need at least 50 dollars on you to unlock the orange monster.
    - Mark of god from black dragon coin, l5 corrupt
    - Monster essence from red dragon coin, black dragon coin, monster jungle(level 100 dungeon.)

    5) Rune of support(from rune system)
    Cost: 162 dollars for 2k in all stats(more or less) or ~324 dollars for 2.9k in all stats(total not cumulative.)

    6) Fruit (daily)
    It's luck base, but can spend gold to get 10 chances of fruit per day which can give you attribute raising fruit.

    7) Patron system
    Can get a few points in all stats here.
    - Level 60+ dungeons. Public dungeon.

    8) Wheel of Destiny
    I wouldn't worry about this one too much since it's more costly than other systems with a boost not that great. however, if you decide to get interested in it, you'll need:
    - Destiny Essence from the npc/other players(preferred). Or from daily quest.
    - Destiny shard - Completing 10 daily quest. Public dungeon

    That's really all I can think of. However, for the stat itself, it's very important to work on your soul for attribute % as well as mount and pixie. For example, each strength gives 3 attack.

    So if you have let say 20% str, and 60% with mount and 19% with pixie (not counting other attack % you can get from soul and guild skills.) If you get 30 str. That 30 str will give 90 attack without adding all the percent.

    With the percent it would be
    1) 30 x 0.20 = 6.
    2) 30 str + 6 str from soul = 36 str.
    3) 36 str x 3 -> 108 attack.

    Now mount + pixie = 60 + 19 = 79%.

    4) 108 x .79 = 85.32 attack
    5) 108 attack + 85.32 attack = 193.32 attack.

    So in the end, with a person that has none of those boost, acquire 30 str, will gain 90 attack.
    However, another person that gets the same 30 str, with all the percent mention before, will gain 193.32 attack.

    Hope that answers any questions you may have. But yeah, there is quite a difference now than it has been in the past.

