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Chi System

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  • Chi System

    Hey, just wondering if there is any chance that the chi system will be revamped in the future? As it stands it is a completely worthless system as it takes about 1 month doing all events (and about 15000 xtals) to get ONE upgrade. So you would think that one upgrade would be actually decent right? Wrong. You get 100 p/matk and 75p/mdef at its first level. Meaning if you cashed you just spent over 100 USD on those pathetic stats, and if you didn't you just spent one month working on a system and got virtually nothing. This system isn't even close to being worth doing. Its absolutely woeful and if R2 ever want to get people to actually use the system it is in dire need of a change.

  • #2
    They need to put the chi essence in corruption packs, replacing some other useless stuff, you need literally around 40-50 k chi essence to complete it all up to Supernal Chi, it doesn't make sense to make it so very hard to get and somewhat cash only. Not to mention the useless stats


    • #3
      replace the Zodiac Enchantment Stone (Legendary) with chi.

      No one on my server is going for legendary zodiac gear everyone thorws the stones away. The banner socketing rods could go also 20 a day is a waste


      • #4
        Or replace the gold keys, so many things they could replace in corruption


        • #5
          What i would say is. How about Expanding the corruption levels? and everyone will be happy.
          Originally posted by Dr.Q
          Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


          • #6
            This i would like make it harder up to lvl 15 or 20. Make the void go up in numbers also. Or an ladder type event with endless levels that get harder and harder and make it replace the arena in Rankings. The people who cash don't really have a challenge. I can do ladder void and corr with orbs off as an op rouge


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jazhara View Post
              They need to put the chi essence in corruption packs, replacing some other useless stuff, you need literally around 40-50 k chi essence to complete it all up to Supernal Chi, it doesn't make sense to make it so very hard to get and somewhat cash only. Not to mention the useless stats
              Im agree, the stats would never be useless.

              Things is they should make it easier, even a little, for non-casher to gain benefit from chi system
              Crystal Saga 2

