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Level 110 dungeon - Any infos yet?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
    Just did the dungeon, even nightmare.
    It's garbage, garbage drops, too hard, nothing good at all.

    No heroic wings, no eth wings, no muts, no gmuts.
    best drop? Maybe the Moderate Heavenly Pet Enchants (puple ones). Still garbage.

    Sounds like indigo dungeons. why have a dungeon without these things and not replace them with something better.
    Name: (S1)GeoStigma
    Class: Hybrid Mage
    Honor: Emperor
    Plane: Eidolon
    Level: Unknown
    Guild: Noypi

    Waiting for you and waiting your love...
    But you never came to me
    And I am still waiting until my death...
    But you hate me...
    So I shall kill you..
    And make you suffer...

    Kill me..
    Kiss me..
    Bury me..
    Just look at me....


    • #17
      Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
      best drop? Maybe the Moderate Heavenly Pet Enchants (puple ones). Still garbage.
      I can imagine myself doing the dungeon just for that. Hey, good pet equips means you have a stronger pet in other dungeons, and this should definietly help you upgrade pet equips. Though yeah, practically not worth it unless you want more PC.
      Vampire Prince
      • Server: Aurora Point
      • Character: Alexmancerx
      • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
      • Level: Eidolon 120
      • Rank: Emperor
      • Guild: TheWanted
      • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)


      • #18
        Originally posted by Alexmancer View Post
        I can imagine myself doing the dungeon just for that. Hey, good pet equips means you have a stronger pet in other dungeons, and this should definietly help you upgrade pet equips. Though yeah, practically not worth it unless you want more PC.
        That dungeon is really hard. Went duo on nightmare yesterday, with a mage, we got screwed by the 3rd boss lol. No chance without a priest or without perma stun.
        Also, the pet equips and the moderate enchants drop at a really low rate, doesnt make it benefitial to go with a party.
        You might be able to get 2 clicks on your pet equip after doing all 8 runs and defeating all bosses. They have really annoying silence and stun, the 3rd boss even have grasp.

        Most people have trouble in level 101+ TG, i think its easy, however, that dungeon is much harder than that TG.

        I can imagine that the pet equips (OS) will sell for at least 2p a piece just because its so har dto farm them.

        Funny part, we died to the top boss (FAR away from the spawn), respawned, regen our hp.. well it came twice to our spawn just to kill us again...
        I didn't know that there are 4 bosses in purga, so we are still trying to find out if the 4th boss still drops the same junk as the other 3.

        But it is so disappointing, sucvh a hard dungeon and the drops are soo..meh.. Even if it would drop ew and gmut at nightmare, most people wouldnt be able to farm them. I don't see why R2 didn't add them as a nightmare drop >.>


        • #19
          Well, the last boss dropped the same **** as others except that there are helmets and weapon... other bosses drop mainly offhand, armor, ring, boots.
          The only thing that will never change, is change itself.


          • #20
            yeah, rite. and tails solo em all.... -_-"

            IGN: (S34)GodReigN
            Server: Void Encampment
            Class: Hybrid Pure Agi Rogue
            Level: 120 Eidolon
            Guild: REBELS

            " I am The Ancient God of Shadow and Wind
            I Stand under One Sky of The Dark Age
            I Bestow Nightmare upon My Enemies
            I Breath Despair and Endless Calamity
            My Presence is beyond The Everlasting Horror "

            " I don't always show emotion.
            But when I do, It's like the second coming of Jesus "


            • #21
              This dungeon really really needs to drop supreme enchanment crystal.

              Have you guys tried enchanting lvl 100 offhand ? That's what it's going to be like when pvp set lvl 100 is released. Ridiculous, over 1000 Major used and I only got +11, the failure rate is too much eventhough the chance rate doesn't seem to be much difference with slayer. I've never used more than 600 Major to +13 any slayer equipment. Without the supreme enchanment crystal, pvp set lvl 100 will be pretty useless, unless they tweaked the bonuses (for example lvl 100 set +10 is the same as slayer set +13 , but somehow i doubt it....)

              At least if you can't give supreme enchanment crystal, how about making lvl 110 dungeon drop major too ?


              • #22
                Just to add my 2 cents about this dungeon. A few things I like about it are:

                1. It drops purple pet eq level 120 (Lunar sword etc, Spirit of Kirin, etc).

                2. It has nice titan eq (not class specific) with randon stats that in some cases even better than the level 100 eq. Great for people who want to concentrate on +attack/casting speed or +crit/crit damage etc. It gives an option for those people who can't acquire the epic purg shards needed to synth level 100 gear (at 25% success rate) since most of the titan eq are being passed around to guildies who love the stats. Of course when the pvp eq comes out that might be a different story.

                3. Of course there are the epic purg shards (I just failed 5 synth atempts like a champ lol)

                4. The need for grouping. Yes I like the grouping aspect. Although I can solo this dungeon, it eats up a bit of my orbs and stones. I go back to doing duo with a priest so I don't have to waste resources.

                I aways felt that dungeons should be a social event where you get to group and meet peeps. When farming dungeons become a chore and I see peeps starting to dread doing their dungeons well then something is not quite right. In this case, if it's too hard, then go in bigger groups and have at it

                DrewC <-- misses the days in seng when everyone had tiny wings and there were rally points and people actually had to work together t bring that crystal down heh. The same goes for dungeons. When was the last time you saw in WC something like LFM Vault NM (1/3, or duo, 1/5 etc) heh


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
                  This dungeon really really needs to drop supreme enchanment crystal.

                  Have you guys tried enchanting lvl 100 offhand ? That's what it's going to be like when pvp set lvl 100 is released. Ridiculous, over 1000 Major used and I only got +11, the failure rate is too much eventhough the chance rate doesn't seem to be much difference with slayer. I've never used more than 600 Major to +13 any slayer equipment. Without the supreme enchanment crystal, pvp set lvl 100 will be pretty useless, unless they tweaked the bonuses (for example lvl 100 set +10 is the same as slayer set +13 , but somehow i doubt it....)

                  At least if you can't give supreme enchanment crystal, how about making lvl 110 dungeon drop major too ?
                  Agreed. I see lots of people using lvl 80 offhand even though they have lvl 100 because enchanting is just too hard. Guess we have to wait for the heavy cashers to buy a bunch of SEC before it finds its way into game. Not hopeful though as still no EW dungeon drops despite "hard" nature of dungeon.


                  • #24
                    Sad to inform you, there's only enchantment stones in that dungeon. But there is major pet equip enchantment stone in that.
                    Also, it drops mainly level 100 off-hand equips.

                    There are only 3 bosses place in a triangle formation. kill the one @ the left first will give you boost of 100 stats that last 10 minutes (if you kill it 2nd or 3rd, no boost).
                    The right one is a dragon with 2 sec stun.
                    The one on top is the most difficult one with 10 secs stun + 5% damage every sec......

                    Last but not least, Good Luck.

                    This dungeon really really needs to drop supreme enchanment crystal.

                    Have you guys tried enchanting lvl 100 offhand ? That's what it's going to be like when pvp set lvl 100 is released. Ridiculous, over 1000 Major used and I only got +11, the failure rate is too much eventhough the chance rate doesn't seem to be much difference with slayer. I've never used more than 600 Major to +13 any slayer equipment. Without the supreme enchanment crystal, pvp set lvl 100 will be pretty useless, unless they tweaked the bonuses (for example lvl 100 set +10 is the same as slayer set +13 , but somehow i doubt it....)

                    At least if you can't give supreme enchanment crystal, how about making lvl 110 dungeon drop major too ?
                    Last edited by Reverie; 11-02-2014, 01:19 PM. Reason: Posts merged.


                    • #25
                      I got my level 120 offhand to 14 with majors. If you desperately need Supremes you have a chance to get them from void floors 16+. To keep things relevant I like having pet crystals drop, its fun to enchant my pet gear with (although I've never managed to reach +13 with moderates)
                      S63 Hellstorm
                      Info: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                      • #26
                        The third boss, the one at the top of the triangle. He has the 10 second stun with 5% loss of hp every second. And he keeps attacking while I can't fight back.

                        Is his attack physical or magical?

                        I had to die 3 times to find the best of my pets for this, it was my defensive pet, the Ultrasaurus Rex, but would a pet with Purification work better?
                        Or does puri not remove the stun?

                        Not being able to use orbs, pots or stones during the stun is what is killing me.
                        I just got to lvl 110, how did you all survive the Judge?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Esoterikos View Post
                          The third boss, the one at the top of the triangle. He has the 10 second stun with 5% loss of hp every second. And he keeps attacking while I can't fight back.

                          Is his attack physical or magical?

                          I had to die 3 times to find the best of my pets for this, it was my defensive pet, the Ultrasaurus Rex, but would a pet with Purification work better?
                          Or does puri not remove the stun?

                          Not being able to use orbs, pots or stones during the stun is what is killing me.
                          I just got to lvl 110, how did you all survive the Judge?
                          I'm not sure if hes doing psy or mag damage never really paid attention to it (think its magic though not 100%), but I can tell you purification won't work, nothing can purge his curse once he throw them on you. But you can avoid his curse first time. He use it as soon as he see you so to avoid it just go to him when you see that he noticed you, run away from him, he will use it but it will miss because you got out of range of his curse. Once you kill it he will respawan again though and use curses right away :P if you are eidolon knight with angelic you can use Angelic just before you kill him first time it will save you from his damage for 5-7secs at least.

                          Note: He will use curses again once they are off cooldown so you still have to kill him fast enough if you want to avoid him using it more than once during battle.


                          • #28
                            I'm am a Mage, not a Knight, so I can use Blink to get away fast. I haven't gotten hit with the stun at first, not until he's down to like 10%-ish on his HP.
                            Maybe my Dodge caught it the first time

                            OMG. He's a freakin' Mage!!! ROFL, I have that spell but I've never been on the receiving end of it. Wow, Mages suck, lolz.
                            Last edited by Esoterikos; 05-27-2015, 06:46 PM.

