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Serious question regarding the goddess system, and general disenchantment question

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  • Serious question regarding the goddess system, and general disenchantment question

    Ok, I am pretty much new to the game despite being level 40. What impresses me about this game is the many ways to get very powerful, judging you take the time and effort to do it. However, there is one thing here that concerns me. I know of the fairly recent rebirth system. You reset to lv 1 to get reborn into a higher plane. With information that I had gathered from guides and stuff, I have understood that honor levels and soul development are unaffected by the rebirth proceedure. However, my question is, do you lose your Goddess affiliation and the blessings involved if you rebirth? I am a non-cash shop user that is (almost hellbent) on excelling with Aurora's blessings by generating my own crystal (in game obviously). However I have frozen my endeavors to this end until i can get confirmation on this issue.

    Secondly, I think I am confused regarding the disenchantment system. My general understanding was that disenchantment sacrificed the weapon in question to return to you any of the magic dusts used on it for enchantment. However, for many weapons that i have attempted to disenchant, it says "this item cannot be disenchanted", and those that can only give their normal drops, and no dusts. Now i wonder if i was actually assuming things on my end.

    if anybody can give me a hand with this confusion on my end, I would greatly appreciate it. Happy Holidays, have a nice day, be safe and God Bless

  • #2
    For the rebirthing question, it's not a character reset as many people keep seeing it, it's a reset of the character's level, nothing else is affected.
    The only thing is things with level-requirements are back in effect again: wings lv20 to equip, slayer-gear lv80+ etc. Soul, honor and Goddess Systems aren't affected by any of the rebirths because they aren't directly attached to character level. Soul has level-req's for upgrading yes, but what you already have, remains active. Same like having Angel lords wings (lv70 req to upgrade), yet equipable from lv20. So it is my understanding and since nobody else has experienced a full reset on it yet, your Goddess System will be unaffected by rebirthing.
    I hope this clears that question.

    For disenchantment, I guess that is quite the obvious expectation really from the word. Sadly it's a whole different thing: you cannot retrieve any dusts after using them in any way. Disenchantment of items here means the weapon is destroyed leaving you with Soul crystals + Soul root crystal(from purple gear only). Mostly products of which the use isn't released in-game yet. Soul Crystal IV is used for the rebirth quest scions and eidolons can do daily. Soul root crystal is used to forge Soul Shards at The Ranger Elder in Tree of Life.
    Crystal Saga:
    IGN: speeds
    Server: Windshear Peaks
    Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
    Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
    Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

    Wartune (semi-inactive):
    IGN: Speeds16
    Server: Temple of Ibalize
    Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire

