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Buying VIP/Crystals From Players Bannable ?

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  • Buying VIP/Crystals From Players Bannable ?

    a few months earlier buying VIP and crystals from other players was legal .. but now when i shout in World chat some say its bannable how so ?
    r2 gains money from it .. or r2 just want cashers to be above ??

  • #2
    buying /selling vip /&xtal MAY ended up being banned, acknowledge this and do whatever you wish to do
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      there is nothing wrong in buying or selling VIP @ xtal so wth ban ppl who does it?


      • #4
        Originally posted by bl4nkY View Post
        there is nothing wrong in buying or selling VIP @ xtal so wth ban ppl who does it?
        Yes it is , if that's allowed how R2 gain money ?! answer FOOL
        "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane


        • #5
          Originally posted by bl4nkY View Post
          there is nothing wrong in buying or selling VIP @ xtal so wth ban ppl who does it?
          It is covered in the Terms of Service under the real world trading part. You would be using your cash to get items in the game from another player. It is okay to gift VIP, it is not okay to sell or trade VIP.

          And, it's always wrong to gift/sell/trade crystals, as that requires logging into someone else's account, which in itself is a punishable offense.
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          • #6
            If R2 was smart, They would just add crystals into trade window which would make it fair and no scamming.


            • #7
              [FONT=Arial Black]Sir GM plsss Banned this player:BreaKxEven he scammed me!!!!plss plsss banned her Sir plsss He Scammed my 6p

              Server:Bloodshed hollow


              • #8
                Please banned!! this player:BreaKxEven ( he scammed my 6p (

                [FONT=Arial Black]Sir GM plsss Banned this player:BreaKxEven he scammed me!!!!plss plsss banned her Sir plsss He Scammed my 6p

                Server:Bloodshed hollow


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
                  It is covered in the Terms of Service under the real world trading part. You would be using your cash to get items in the game from another player. It is okay to gift VIP, it is not okay to sell or trade VIP.

                  And, it's always wrong to gift/sell/trade crystals, as that requires logging into someone else's account, which in itself is a punishable offense.
                  you don't have to log into their account when you buy crystals there's an option to put a players name requires no password but yeah it is against TOS and i know people who have done it same thing with the free xtals you can put someone else's character name and they would get them and buying shop items from players can be Risky because sometimes they scam would be easier if everything in shop could be traded
                  Last edited by Snow_Angels; 05-09-2013, 10:27 PM.
                  Alexandriaa S41 lvl 70 Mage 1,223,430 Br (Vip5)

                  LexÃ*Ã* S42 lvl 70 Hunter 1,299,090 Br (Vip7)

