---> (S20)TheLoLBoy
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:can i trade soul print for the [Cat’s Meow Costume (M)][Cat’s Meow Headpiece (M)]?
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: yes RATIO
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: wait bath
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: ratio pls
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:how much are u selling the [Cat’s Meow Costume (M)][Cat’s Meow Headpiece (M)]?
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 4p
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:6 sp for that
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:?
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: i rather get the deal of money
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:hmm i can only buy it if its 3p
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:if 6 sp for the suit deal
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 3p 40g deal
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:if u want, take my 6 sp for the suit so u can sell the sp
![Big Grin](
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: heheh 7sp then we deal
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i only have 6
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 6sp 501g deal pls really need money that's why i spent true money
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 50g
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:half suit 1st then ill pay the 3sp 25g then then the headpiece then ill give the other 3 sp 25g
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:[The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:80)] L1
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: pay half price then i gift suit
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i dont really trust some1 nowadays coz its hard but if u will gift 1st i can give the [Soul Print]
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: want the deal
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:so go here [The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:80)] L1 so i can pay you after you give me the gift
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: wew the problem is i can't trust to kitong scammed me just know i gift then he run and go offline
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:but since im not kitong...u can trust me
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:[The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:80)] trust me
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: still i can't trust anyone know a days
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:[Soul Print] i can link it if u want
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:ill show that i have 6x go here [The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:80)] L1
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:u coming bro?
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: yews but pls pay first then i gift you
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:go here [The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:80)] ill show the 6 [Soul Print] so u can trust me
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: i know you show me items and after i gift maybe you run
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:no will not
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: wew pls PAY then i gift
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:im waiting for u [The Tree of Life(X:46 Y:79)] L1
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: OMW
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:suit then 3 sp 25g then headpiece then 3 sp 25g
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:half by half
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: you pay half then i pay half
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:...
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:see i have the 6 sps
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: i know
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i wont scam u
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i promise
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: i won't scamm you to i promise
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: just pay then i gift pls
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:the problem is...i can show that i have the 6 sps... but u cant show that u have the suits...thats why i cant trust u 100%
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:but if u can trade me the 1st half...i can trust u bcoz i know that u can give the suits
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:and since i already show the 6 sps to u, u can trust me
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: aw
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: [Cat’s Meow Costume (M)][Cat’s Meow Headpiece (M)]
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i can also link that
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:[Cat’s Meow Costume (M)][Cat’s Meow Headpiece (M)] see
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:i wont scam u
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: the problem is i can buy it then you can't hehehe
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:yes
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:w8 lemme think about it
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:ill just pm u ok?
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: i wait here
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]
![Stick Out Tongue](
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: ok
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:same*
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: ok
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:now give the suit 1st
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: after my 5 counts then go
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 5
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 4
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 3
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 2
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: 1
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: go
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:at one time or
[(S20)TheLoLBoy] whispers: comfirm then i gift fast
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:the gift?
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:scammer #17
To [(S20)TheLoLBoy]:#17
pls ban him
and also this... he got my 3 sp and 25g but its ok though than 6 sp and 50g
sry for not being smart coz i fall in his scam...i really want the suit