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R2 must take notice or else....

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  • R2 must take notice or else....

    Sorry for the length of this but I'm focusing this thread more towards the attention of the R2 staff than the players. I beg of you to be patient enough to read this and take time to respond I wouldn't even be disappointed if most of your at least skimmed through it. Although I true hope you give this the time to read if you love this game as much as i do, it would take less than 5 min to finish and your feedback will only help the problem I believe is happening with R2games/Crystal Saga.

    I've read pages and pages on peoples ideas about how bad of an idea this new GMut exchange is and how it could b fixed for the better. I don't wanna tell you all why its bad or what to do to fix it cause I think everyone has covered all the corners in the multiple threads created about it. We all know R2 did this to do something about the glut of alts being made across all servers but we all know that R2 KNOWS that wasn't the only agenda with creating the new bound GMut exchange. I'd like to explain what I believe is happening to this game when R2 continues to make moves like this most recent one. R2 is headed down a slippery slope and they need to be warned not just for us(the player) but a warning to them as well.

    I never have had anything against anyone who wants to spend thousands of dollars on a video games, especially games like this that you can play for years and years. Without cashers this game does not exist for the non cashers. I doubt CS would be alive even if people couldn't cash anymore than just the monthly VIP. So of course not every event they put out will be extremely lucrative and they like to throw us all a bone every once in a while and give us very lucrative events events like the thanksgiving week event and the seed events of the passed so non cashers can get an abundance of casher friendly items. But it seems week by week R2 keeps coming out with more ways to let the cashers get more and more of an edge. Let some1 spend hundreds of dollars to a blessing that gives them an instant and excessive stat boost that would take several months for a non casher to acquire. making enchanted skill dust packs available to buy so major cashers can purchase extremely overpowering gear that even a modest spender would have to take years of playing to acquire. Making wings u can only get through random events was helpful but already a nearly impossible task for any non casher to complete the ewing system and equip the final goal of Ultimate Demon Lord +9. Now they throw in divine wings so cashers have now an even bigger advantage. You want to cater to cashers of course but ultimate demon lord +9 wasnt enough of an advantage R2 needed to make more money by adding the Devine Wings. With the gmut events of the passed, referring to the unlimated gmut exchanges last used nearly a year ago, it made it so hard working non cashers could even get a hellwing if they worked hard enough and saved enough gold. When R2 did away with them u brought in a way for players to work hard to get an alt to lvl 45 for only 28 gmuts at a time. Its not such a terrible task to get an alt to lvl 45 but at only 28 gmuts at a time it still maintained a slow and steady pace to help players upgrade thier mounts with thier hard work and dedication. Now with R2 making the gmuts bound and only allowing us to get 2 bound gmuts a day makes it so others can't sell to those who want to accrue enough gmuts to upgrade thier mount but it takes away from players, especially those who started late, to upgrade their characters in ways that still allows them to stay relatively comptetive. What R2 keeps doing with **** like this is create a gap between themselves and the non cashers. The stat balancer in Seng is all but pointless after about 2 months or less when all the cashers are continued to be give greater and greater advantages. Some people spend a few hundred dollards to help get them a well deserved advantage but now the gap you need to cover to stay competitive with all the heavier cashers is now going to reach an impassible point if the hard working non cashers will have to spend millions of hours just to aquire things like better mounts, wings, pixies, gear and so on.

    We all know R2 is a business trying to make as much money as they can and they should or they'd b foolish. My point is this is reaching a point of being bad business sense. If the people who can't afford more than VIP or very little more than that, continue to be dwarfed in power by the mid-level to large spending cashers then you will continue to lose the low-level/non spenders at an increasing rate that R2 will not b able to recover from. The non cashers will continue to fall off in droves and all those players who spend thier hard earned money will have very little competition left which will create boredom and unrest and then themselves continue to drop off. As a perfect example, A Knight I know(whos name i won't mention for privacy's sake) spent over 1,000 pounds to give him a much deserved advantage has quit cause that 1,000£ has become useless by the power that the cashers now have. Server S57 had been terrorized by a few major cashers so much in its first weeks by the egos and bullying of those players through all the battle grounds that it lost over half its players looking for hope on the very next server opening.

    The only advantage the cashers should ultimately have is the ability to gain power without putting in all the hard work that the low-lvl to non cashers must work hard to get. You've heard all the ideas, good and bad on how to fix this problem with the gmuts R2. You've heard the disappointment from the players about it. That will all be pointless if all these players continue to quit cause you(r2games) increasingly underestimates the importance of the little guys. When i started on S24 Sengolia was an incredibly fun battle ground for months cause only the most dominant of spenders held an advantage.

    Anyways...I know this was an incredibly long post and applaud any players who read the whole thing and I can only hope R2 understands what i'm saying. Mostly I just sincerely hope R2 pays attention to all the little guys from the uproar that this new GMut exchange has created, not just to fix the GMut exchange but for the many new changes to the games that continue to be added to benifit only big spenders.
    Worst thread ever! I was bored to tears and impossible to finish
    Maybe its got good points but too damn boring to care
    I was curious to finish reading but i still was bored by it
    It wasn't thrilling but at least there was some good points to it
    Not exactly a page turner but I thought it was worth reading
    I thought there were many great points and even if it was a little long i'm glad I finished it
    Not exciting but I enjoyed it more than most threads
    Great thread, Many good points were made and I enjoyed it alot.
    Awesome thread, many good points, can't wait to respond with my own insight
    The greatest thread I've ever read! can't wait to tell everyone I know to read it as well!

  • #2
    i agree with you on most everything in the post except for the blessing system. with just my VIP and a couple small 20$ and under purchases I was able to get to my self blessing in only a couple months. might have even taken me longer to get to ultimate demi god VIII wings i think. probably the only way it holds any kind of advantage is if you need more charm n can't sell your blessings for some reason and can't afford to keep up with the cost of a measly 10 cents per rose. even then since i started playing last august or so there have been many events that give away tons of free roses. also players who dont spend a dime arent as important to the r2 business as u make them out to b i think. they are good for keeping the servers busy but the bottom line is this game is a business first. and if r2 made it so u have to buy VIP to play like WoW then i think its a reach to say they'd b worse off. but thats just my opinion. maybe i'm wrong. good thread though. still plenty of good points. i'm not afraid to read a few paragraphs though :P


    • #3
      Ya, The blessings aren't a major advantage, at least not in the long run. I just remember when my server was young there was a few players who completed the self blessing lvl 5 very early on and became instant powerhouses in Seng where as even a modest spender like u still has taken a few months to complete it. It can also create a very easy way to give u an early advantage in dungeons. With a few hundred bucks you have given yourself a massive stat boost. At least with the savage set takes, honor or epic gear which takes a long time to level up to. Your right though, even a modest to minimal casher can get so I guess i'll concede on that. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond though

