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Major Enchantment Crystals

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  • Major Enchantment Crystals

    For something that's the best thing to enchant with on gear, minus the legendary exelorn set and fragarach gear (which requires dragon crystals) it sure doesn't act like it is!

    Not even remotely close!

    I've had more failures to enchant using major enchantment crystals than any other enchantment item. I have BETTER ODDS using moderate and minor enchantment crystals.

    What is going on here?

    WHY SHOULD THIS BE THE CASE? "BEST?" Clearly it's not!

    If I wanted my staff to be +5 I would've used enchantment stones or magic dusts!
    Last edited by crackerjac; 07-25-2012, 11:34 AM.

  • #2
    Everything is chance when it comes to enchanting. Major Enchantment Crystals only increases the chance of the enchant to be successful, it doesn't ensure that its 100% success. Heck even at 99% success rate I failed the enchant once. Its just about luck and trying again until you get what you want.

    Most people only use Major Enchantment Crystals for Enchanting equipment up from +7 to +13. While using Magic Dust or Enchantment Stones (easily obtainable ingame) to get their equipment to +7.
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    If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
    Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

    Moderators Be Thou for the People.
    -Kind Regards V
    -What's left in the not always what you wish for!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Virtue_Sigil View Post
      Everything is chance when it comes to enchanting. Major Enchantment Crystals only increases the chance of the enchant to be successful, it doesn't ensure that its 100% success. Heck even at 99% success rate I failed the enchant once. Its just about luck and trying again until you get what you want.

      Most people only use Major Enchantment Crystals for Enchanting equipment up from +7 to +13. While using Magic Dust or Enchantment Stones (easily obtainable ingame) to get their equipment to +7.
      my enchantments never go past 5 on any of my gear. even using the best stones and what not it never gets any further. once in a while i get +6, but i have never ever owned anything +7. they really need to do something or have some form of buff or passive effect that increases enchant chance.

      Let out your rage on level 30 trading ---^


      • #4
        All my gear is +7. Just today I enchanted my Slayers Hat and made it +7 using about 2 stacks of Enchantment Stones and roughly 10g more or less. Its all about chance and how lucky you are. Just keep trying and you will get it.
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        Something wrong or suspicious when talking to a Game Master/Moderator? Check here for the current .

        If you want a guide or a reference (stats) just pm me and I will be happy to make on for you.
        Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.

        Moderators Be Thou for the People.
        -Kind Regards V
        -What's left in the not always what you wish for!


        • #5
          I farm Major stones in exelorn daily and I have to agree for majors being the "best" they're far from being anything better than moderates: I failed with majors going from 5 to 6 over 20 times. (Had gear above 7, enchanted with majors, failed twice in a row, then back to enchantment stones for back up to 7 attempts). Couldn't hurt to increase the % by even just a tiny odd so it sticks out from moderates.
          Le derp alt. I remembered I'm logged on this account after I posted.
          IGN: Smurfs16
          Server: Windshear peaks - Emperor
          [Eidolon] Holy priest Lv100 supporting with curses.


          • #6
            It's completely absurd the way the percentages fall as well.

            For instance, enchanting +5 to +6 using majors is 60%. Enchanting to +7 drops down to 53% ...Um...? 7% drop is pretty drastic, wouldn't you say?

            Don't even get me started on the number of times it's failed back down to +5 or +6. The highest I've ever gotten is +12 and ever since then it's been fail after fail after fail after fail.

            My luck is either the worst possible you could achieve in game, or something is screwy with the enchantment system.

            Note: The gear in question is the Orange Slayer Staff.
            Last edited by crackerjac; 07-25-2012, 07:26 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by crackerjac View Post
              It's completely absurd the way the percentages fall as well.

              For instance, enchanting +5 to +6 using majors is 60%. Enchanting to +7 drops down to 53% ...Um...? 7% drop is pretty drastic, wouldn't you say?

              Don't even get me started on the number of times it's failed back down to +5 or +6. The highest I've ever gotten is +12 and ever since then it's been fail after fail after fail after fail.

              My luck is either the worst possible you could achieve in game, or something is screwy with the enchantment system.

              Note: The gear in question is the Orange Slayer Staff.
              if you compare enchants to gems. some of the bonus's are pretty intense. +800-1k to matk? thats like 5-7 flawless gems. worth what like 5-20platnum? huge advantage. what about enchanting stuff to get that should be easy? an ur getting those for free from exo dungeon right?
              i've enchanted noob stuff to +9 then used those before. failed horribly. went down to +3. then to +8 then down to +3 over and over and over, then it didn't get passed +5 or 6 like you said too.. spend over 40g out of pocket just on enchants, not the materials. the cost of enchant. got it back to +7 with another chunk of 20g. but you don't see me making a thread about it. its a gamble i took. i understood that "there is a chance of failure" and i accepted that risk. and payed the price for my mistake. just like you did. can either accept the loss and move on. or give up. up to you.its like this for everyone.
              personally i don't think getting the equivalent a superior gem should be easy for each upgrade. +6 and up always costs more on stuff cause the benefits. just look at soul. thats when the nodes benefits start goin crazy jumps. an when cost to achieve goes up, so its not just something people can easily get.


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              when i fail enchants. i just go work on other stuff instead after my set budget for those trys are exhausted, i only use acceptable losses. never going passed my PONR. aka point of no return. if i did, thats my own fault for wagering that risk. when i want to feel happy w out a risk involed w a upgrade. i go for soul. since nothing about that really involves chance -besides me getting the chance to remember to do it
              Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-25-2012, 08:22 PM.


              • #8
                In reference to the above post:

                I understand it's like gambling, but do I have to like it? No. Even if it's in game gold I'm spending, it's not actually obtaining the gold to purchase said crystals that's a pain in the butt. I felt the need to make a post because I've had it literally up to HERE with this system. It's not just me that's noticed the "best" enchantment items you can use to enchant your gear aren't in fact as great as they claim to be, when they've been outperformed by lower level enchantment materials. Somehow the cash shop justifies selling them for 145 crystal each.

                AND that's another point I would like to make. It's only recently with the addition of Exelorn Hollows that it was even possible to FARM majors. There was no other way to obtain them short of buying them yourself from the cash shop, or buying off someone who cashes. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of money that was leeched out of players who bought these majors before the dungeon came out.

                It's making me start to wonder if they played around with the system after Hollows was released to make the odds worse for enchanting. It seemed like it was a LOT easier to successfully enchant when I wound up buying majors from the cash shop. Then again, maybe it's just the gear I'm enchanting? I don't really know.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by crackerjac View Post
                  In reference to the above post:

                  I understand it's like gambling, but do I have to like it? No. Even if it's in game gold I'm spending, it's not actually obtaining the gold to purchase said crystals that's a pain in the butt. I felt the need to make a post because I've had it literally up to HERE with this system. It's not just me that's noticed the "best" enchantment items you can use to enchant your gear aren't in fact as great as they claim to be, when they've been outperformed by lower level enchantment materials. Somehow the cash shop justifies selling them for 145 crystal each.

                  AND that's another point I would like to make. It's only recently with the addition of Exelorn Hollows that it was even possible to FARM majors. There was no other way to obtain them short of buying them yourself from the cash shop, or buying off someone who cashes. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of money that was leeched out of players who bought these majors before the dungeon came out.

                  It's making me start to wonder if they played around with the system after Hollows was released to make the odds worse for enchanting. It seemed like it was a LOT easier to successfully enchant when I wound up buying majors from the cash shop. Then again, maybe it's just the gear I'm enchanting? I don't really know.
                  if you don't like something. and you continue doing it. your only going to see the bad. when i enchant. i do it when i don't care if i win or lose some enchants . gotta have the right attitude if your making risks. if you don't like it and your not having fun doing it. why do it? there are other routes to take for advancement. don't let the game play you, play the game for what its for- fun.
                  like when i morphed my SA, or my GT, or angel lord wings, etc etc mostly before there was events for this stuff-so i had to buy from other players- thats over 30 platnum...just right there.. all the stuff i've upgraded that took chance. i looked at that upgrade button an went "i'm rick james". rick james don't care if it works or not. he's rick james. an if it costed him money. he don't care cause he's got so much he doesn't have to care.
                  so if thats a tip for the future. i'd say its a good one. only do enchants when you could care less if it works or not. the people that chose to buy those enchants took the same risk. i notice it takes me at least 500-1k dusts sometimes to get above +6 on stuff. with the better stones , considerably less and less money spent with the actual cost of synth. before there was a dungeon for them, to me i considered it about the same as if i was to invest into MEC instead of using dust. since it took about the same amount of time to gather an amount spent on enchant cost, what i like about enchant stones though is. there is so much that it in a way, controls the odds just like rick james does with his money. when you deal w % values. the way to increase your chances are increasing your attempts.
                  most the time people only use around 4 -40 MEC at a time. but i've seen many people still get +13 stuff all the time even since update. there's even one nub guy in nebulan ridge who gets +13's like they are nothing. i spent 500 dust an couldn't get passed +6 w out it failing. so instead of trying to get one or two pieces passed +6 i put them all at +6 . was easier. so i'd say from exp, passed +6 everything is harder. and from my other experience. the higher grade equipment is a bit more challenging as well.
                  but if that shouldn't take the fun out of the game. even dragon crystal on the fragarach doesn't have 100% chance to upgrade besides first few levels. then it starts dipping down an has the same effect as normal stones on regular equipment would. i don't believe thats wrong though. fragarach is one of top weapons, too easy to make an everyone has it then its worth goes down.
                  ps. i've followed just about every enchanting guide on tips and tricks. none work for me. i enchant when i feel like enchanting. most the time only one or two try's here an there unless i have a stockpile an a set goal. no one likes the chance of losing. everyone does it because they want to win.


                  • #10
                    Yeah same here i get better chances with magic dust and moderate enchantment crystal.For me it never works for my frag but it works for slayers weap
                    Why is bacon called bacon and cookies called cookies when you bake cookies and cook bacon

