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Why are Nature rangers not equal to Antimage rangers

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  • Why are Nature rangers not equal to Antimage rangers

    If you notice all weapons have a higher Patk stat(not including most bonuses). Both pvp and pve armor is set up better for Antimage also. Not trying to complain just wondering if that can be explained by anyone.

  • #2
    MDef is usually lower than pdef.


    • #3
      The most likely explanation i can think of about the nerfed matk is cause nature rangers replace their basic atk with Magic Arrow/improved MA/master MA which gives our every atk more dmg (% + extra dmg increase) than what out base matk is..AM has Basic Shoot as basic atk which isnt a separate skill and dont give AM additional bonus on the basic patk. Thats why weapons have extra patk bonus compared to matk i think.


      • #4
        The only explanation on this we can get is from the original chinese version and their calculations on class-balance..but we ain't getting that so here are my thoughts:
        - AM having lower mdef than pdef is in pure stats usually correct, however the lack of mdef is easily compensated by the 15% reduction AM gets on top of mdef-adding skills. Also being Str-based AM has more HP than nature balancing some more.
        - Nature having a stronger basic attack is balanced out by AM having shorter cooldowns: Fire Arrow (4sec CD), Double shot (4sec CD), Rain of arrows (6sec CD), 3 strong attacks with all incredibly short cooldowns. (paralyzing shot 18sec CD, the 4th most powerful skill but slow)
        Nature has Scarlet Fever (12sec CD), Ankle Shot (10sec CD) and Tidal Arrow (18sec CD). So shows has way longer cooldowns on powerful skills and one less attack skill.
        - On top of all this, AM has a hidden effect on one of their skills that increases patk, %-based, not talking about Tidal Rush, where Nature gets a tiny 101 matk.
        - I've noticed too that all Nature synthesizable armors aren't good, at all. We don't need Cast spd for a single skill, at all, but our PvE gear is priest-based, giving heals and cast spd instead of move spd and attack speed.

        I have no idea how AM/Nature are balanced but I'm seeing a lot of biased against Nature even upon leveling AM gains more Str-points than Int-points which adds up a lot when you're dealing with Str%-multipliers in Soul.
        Crystal Saga:
        IGN: speeds
        Server: Windshear Peaks
        Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
        Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
        Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

        Wartune (semi-inactive):
        IGN: Speeds16
        Server: Temple of Ibalize
        Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


        • #5
          Not like a nature ranger could survive a AM atk if both had equal stats


          • #6
            Nature and Antimage rangers use the same PVP (Slayers) armor.
            The orange purgatory sets for antimage and nature are about equal.
            Antimage rangers are meant to be stronger while Nature rangers are meant to be faster. Notice how the luck skill is in the AM tree while Elven Swiftness is in the nature tree?
            Last point is that rangers are meant to be hybrid. Nature skills being used against rogues and knights while AM skills are used against priests and mages. In an equal antimage vs nature, nature would win.


            • #7
              I wouldnt be sure about Antimage vs Nature .. nature winning .. we got silence/scion skill MATK drain .. we got all the stuff needed to kill casters.. and our Powershot can damage anyone around 50% ..


              • #8
                with similar stats the player with the better strategy wins


                • #9
                  Howcome people don't see that Anti-mage is an anti-magical class, and Nature Ã*s a magical class. In a downright 1v1 AM has the upperhand with skills focussed for ranged magic users. Nature's skills all revolve around melee opponents.
                  Crystal Saga:
                  IGN: speeds
                  Server: Windshear Peaks
                  Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                  Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                  Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                  Wartune (semi-inactive):
                  IGN: Speeds16
                  Server: Temple of Ibalize
                  Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                  • #10
                    Speeds, I believe we can both agree on the fact that nature rangers and antimage rangers have low HP and defence. Dodge is irrelevant since both branches have high hit rating. Silence against rangers is ineffective since nature rangers have at least 1 patk skill, and the eidolon shield removes it. I’m pretty sure every nature ranger has strong shot and rain of arrows, and most antimages have ankle shot and panic. It’s down to who gets first shot and who’s more skilled. Nature usually wins because of traps.


                    • #11
                      speaking of ranger classes,how do you determine if your an anti-mage or a nature one?


                      • #12
                        When a pure nature and a pure Anti-Mage ranger fight, Nature will still win imo. Why? Because nature has Quick Heal. I've PvPed with pure Anti-Mage rangers (same level, same pvp skills) and I still managed to survive because I can heal myself. :P Though it sucks that the saint sets for nature have casting speed increase instead of attack speed increase.
                        IGN: Catnip
                        Server: S62 Bloodshed Hollow
                        Guild: Chaos
                        Level: 60 Scion
                        Class: Anyone who knows me knows my class :P nature ranger shhhh
                        Soul: 300/3000

                        - Its just a game. Don't take it too personal :)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by FairyTailFan View Post
                          When a pure nature and a pure Anti-Mage ranger fight, Nature will still win imo. Why? Because nature has Quick Heal. I've PvPed with pure Anti-Mage rangers (same level, same pvp skills) and I still managed to survive because I can heal myself. :P Though it sucks that the saint sets for nature have casting speed increase instead of attack speed increase.
                          Ever heard of AM-hybrid? >_> Can't recall any AM Ranger that wouldn't have picked the nature tree's rightside.. Well being PURE AM-Ranger would be just stupid imo.
                          Stalkers OP.

                          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "

