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Day in Vidalia packs

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  • Day in Vidalia packs

    I would just like to let everyone know how garbage the gifts you get from completing the Day in Vidalia. So I opened them after 5 days (50 packs) and here is the garbage you guys give:

    1 Hour AFK card x10
    Health Orb (bound) x25
    Mana Orb (bound) x10
    Lucky Coin x5

    That's what I've been getting from them. Nothing else. It's complete garbage. So I guess I would like to thank you for giving us garbage and forcing us 'whalers' (as you like to call us) to donate to get something to get anywhere. If you would like a list of the garbage I get from the other server I play on, I'll be more than happy to tell you. I guess you guys know why you can't keep players, but I also know you guys don't care.
    I guess you get great pride and it puts a smile on your faces giving us players complete garbage.

    So, my note to player is this: Don't waste your time doing the quests, you get nothing but garbage, and you can thank R2 for that.

  • #2
    First of all: At one point vidalia gave NO pack at all..Just be happy it gives you something.

    Also, it's luck and it's meant to be a low level quest and guess what? A lot of newer people DO need afk cards and HO/MO. I don't know how many times I've seen a low level player complain about how they didn't have enough afk time and not enough HO/MO heck, I've seen lvl 120 eidolons look for HO because they tank their ladder parties and use up all their coupons because they don't have VIP and can't earn enough to support themselves. The reason us older players consider it **** is because we've accumulated so many from events, and from doing Day in vidalia, and because we don't use HO/MO as much, but for a newer player, they have none of that and this quest is really meant for them.

    Besides, just because you're having bad luck doesn't mean everybody is. I've gotten most of my gold badges from day in vidalia and many shining coupons back when I did the quest.

    If you don't like it, don't do it, go do your dungeons instead, but don't ever forget that the game isn't just for people like you, there are people who DO need this "garbage".

    There are plenty of things to complain about; this is not one of them.
    Last edited by (S14)Squintina; 04-27-2013, 06:35 PM.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      Those are no garbage. They're pretty useful. And actually, there's a chance that you'll get the other more useful stuff.

      Once, I got a Dragon Sword (3 Hours), White Tiger (I forgot how many hours or days) and I got a Shining Gem Coupon three times in a row. The Health Orbs and others are not garbage. The other stuff are just more useful but they're all useful.
      life is unfair


      • #4
        I had farmed dragon sword 3 hours with this, so I had a weapon when I rebirthed to scion. + I had white tiger twice in a row >.> and it gives me like 3% experience. The packs are just an extra for me.
        • Server: Emerald Ridge
        • Character: Dylan
        • Class: Elementalist
        • Vigor: Grandmaster Elementalist
        • Guild: Reborn


        • #5
          garbage?you call that GARBAGE? first of all,1 Hour AFK Card gives players an extra hour of AFK without waiting.Health and Mana orbs refill the auto-heal and auto-restore gaps that are existent under your mana bar in the upper-left corner(useful for boss battles).Lucky Coin=this coin is used for in the Wishing Well to trade for a few rewards............................................................................................................................................................................................................AND YOU CALL THAT GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!????????wow man


          • #6
            Garbage you say ? i get 1 white tiger(1 day) , dragon sword(3 hours) and 24 shining gem coupon and the others left are orbs , lucky coins and 1 hr. afk card in 50 pack i bet your just in a bad luck
            Last edited by lDemonMirajanel; 05-23-2013, 05:30 AM.
            "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane


            • #7
              I myself consider 50% rewards of Vidalia pack trash :

              Health Orb - Kinda useful, particularly for grinding dungeon nightmare bosses
              Mana Orb - Dung. With my powerful regenerative capacity, MP no longer a concern
              shining gem coupon - Nah, the gem loots from dungeons are more than enough for me
              White Tiger - I've got Gryphon. Nay nay
              Dragon sword - With my perfect frag . . . . bleh.
              Golden badge - Well, yeah . .
              1 hour AFK - my AFK time has stacked for about . . . 40 days

              But eh~since they're extremely useful for noobs, why would i complain anyway?
              阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
              地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


              • #8
                Ragers. =))
                "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace." - Royal Tart Toter

                Last Update: 17 May 2013


                • #9
                  and anyway which is better to fuse with Perfect Frag , Slayer or DS ?
                  "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane

