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S62 first gr 25/05

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  • S62 first gr 25/05

    So like today we should play a game in gr =3 (Tag)
    Guessing people would want 2 join it and stuff , no rewards just something 2 do instead of gr which is entirely 2 boring x-x
    So like here are the rules
    1. A person will start off as the person being it
    2. If you become it ( or it and tagged someone) say that person name in world chat
    3. It is only basic attacks 2 make other people it
    4. Rogues no stealthing , cos that wouldnt be any fun ok =(
    5. If you it for more then 1min, you will become the prey in which get hunted and killed then the game restarts
    6. umm yea i cant think of anything else atm =D but please be honest when your tagging people or getting it
    and post your ign in this forum if you want 2 join ♥
    Last edited by Whisper498; 05-25-2013, 05:51 AM.

  • #2
    i want to join but im from s58 xD
    "Poison ? That's a merely dessert for a demon like me" - (S58)Mirajane


    • #3
      Originally posted by lDemonMirajanel View Post
      i want to join but im from s58 xD
      aww come join us some time =P


      • #4
        IGN: Catnip
        Server: S62 Bloodshed Hollow
        Guild: Chaos
        Level: 60 Scion
        Class: Anyone who knows me knows my class :P nature ranger shhhh
        Soul: 300/3000

        - Its just a game. Don't take it too personal :)

