Can someone in R2 Admin or GM please clarify the issue of Server Merge regarding Deadline, Timescale and which server will merge into one. Many players on Crimson Grove are talking and discussing that we might be merging with Exenden Realm at some point. However if this is true then when do we expect to merge with them?
Exenden Realm seems to have already Rebirth into Scions and are miles ahead with their Stats, Weapons, Wings, Mounts, Items and Experience into considerations that our players in Crimson Grove have a very Slim chance of competing against their players at this point in time.
Thank you
Exenden Realm seems to have already Rebirth into Scions and are miles ahead with their Stats, Weapons, Wings, Mounts, Items and Experience into considerations that our players in Crimson Grove have a very Slim chance of competing against their players at this point in time.
Thank you