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CS End Game?

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  • CS End Game?

    Is it R2's endgame strategy for CS to make us players' to get bored of CS and quit? We've been waiting patiently for awhile for new stuff like lvl150 cap and their events for like almost 6-9 months already. We know there's more stuff out there.

  • #2
    How is it boring, have you maxed out your souls? Have you finish collecting your Monster Handbook? What about Gen4/5 Pure Breeds. And don't get me start on Divine Wings either.
    There is no end game, new/refreshed content is always added, just constant repetitive.
    Getting 3rd Rebirth (assuming it exists) and Lv150 cap would make everything much more repetitive (AFK grind and stuffs), now that's boring.
    A werewolf, A wearwolf, A warewolf, Aware wolf.


    • #3
      Or the person is looking for some people who would want to discuss in this thread. =))
      "This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace." - Royal Tart Toter

      Last Update: 17 May 2013


      • #4
        As someone who occasionally visits chinese version forum, i can assure the OP that this game is currently progressing in the same rate that its chinese (original) version were doing much before us.

        For example. It took them 1 year to introduce eidolon rebirth system (roughly 10 month for us), 1,5 years for Demon Lord Wings (about 11 months for us), etc. With the third rebirth (å*¦åœ’, Yungxiao/Celestial Bringer. Dunno what name R2 will localise it into) and sixth class (Tamer/Beastmaster) probably being the longest among them all (3 years, if i'm not wrong).

        I can only assure you one thing, this game WILL eventually introduce them when they feel necessary. And no, it's not a matter of copy-paste (which probably the most convenient and possible thing people can think about new implementation), but a huge, very huge implementations that otherwise couldn't be done unless R2 take out every single of their resources (especially money, and you should know that copyright costs like crazy), so yeah, the key here is PATIENCE.
        Last edited by R24656887; 06-06-2013, 03:12 AM.
        阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
        地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


        • #5
          Would be fun to have an upgraded version of the dragon sword event for level 101+ players. This event was so fun at low levels, would be nice to get a temporary perfect frag x type of deal out of it.
          Server- Plethuran Plains
          Char Name - (S52)Taken
          Level - Eidolon level 150
          Class - Knight
          Guild - (S52)Elysium


          • #6
            Originally posted by ShiroiTsubasa View Post
            How is it boring, have you maxed out your souls? Have you finish collecting your Monster Handbook? What about Gen4/5 Pure Breeds. And don't get me start on Divine Wings either.
            There is no end game, new/refreshed content is always added, just constant repetitive.
            Getting 3rd Rebirth (assuming it exists) and Lv150 cap would make everything much more repetitive (AFK grind and stuffs), now that's boring.
            it honestly would be nice to see more content that isn't going to cost each individual player 8k$ US to max. or like soul, thousands&thousands of dollars to max. Personally I love divine wings, would cash if I could to get them. but simply can't. there are many other players as well who have reached their caps. things that everyone can enjoy if work for it.
            Originally posted by R24656887 View Post
            As someone who occasionally visits chinese version forum, i can assure the OP that this game is currently progressing in the same rate that its chinese (original) version were doing much before us.

            For example. It took them 1 year to introduce eidolon rebirth system (roughly 10 month for us), 1,5 years for Demon Lord Wings (about 11 months for us), etc. With the third rebirth (å*¦åœ’, Yungxiao/Celestial Bringer. Dunno what name R2 will localise it into) and sixth class (Tamer/Beastmaster) probably being the longest among them all (3 years, if i'm not wrong).

            I can only assure you one thing, this game WILL eventually introduce them when they feel necessary. And no, it's not a matter of copy-paste (which probably the most convenient and possible thing people can think about new implementation), but a huge, very huge implementations that otherwise couldn't be done unless R2 take out every single of their resources (especially money, and you should know that copyright costs like crazy), so yeah, the key here is PATIENCE.

            I've peeked a few times there as well. *cough* actually like hrs of stalking their forums and posts. but ya- seems they follow similar weekly pattern like cs does. just have to be patient and keep giving our support an love for the game to see it evolve.
            &keep those suggestion threads alive+vote on polls


            • #7
              Originally posted by ShiroiTsubasa View Post
              How is it boring, have you maxed out your souls? Have you finish collecting your Monster Handbook? What about Gen4/5 Pure Breeds. And don't get me start on Divine Wings either.
              There is no end game, new/refreshed content is always added, just constant repetitive.
              Getting 3rd Rebirth (assuming it exists) and Lv150 cap would make everything much more repetitive (AFK grind and stuffs), now that's boring.
              Originally posted by R24656887 View Post
              As someone who occasionally visits chinese version forum, i can assure the OP that this game is currently progressing in the same rate that its chinese (original) version were doing much before us.

              For example. It took them 1 year to introduce eidolon rebirth system (roughly 10 month for us), 1,5 years for Demon Lord Wings (about 11 months for us), etc. With the third rebirth (å*¦åœ’, Yungxiao/Celestial Bringer. Dunno what name R2 will localise it into) and sixth class (Tamer/Beastmaster) probably being the longest among them all (3 years, if i'm not wrong).

              I can only assure you one thing, this game WILL eventually introduce them when they feel necessary. And no, it's not a matter of copy-paste (which probably the most convenient and possible thing people can think about new implementation), but a huge, very huge implementations that otherwise couldn't be done unless R2 take out every single of their resources (especially money, and you should know that copyright costs like crazy), so yeah, the key here is PATIENCE.
              Look r2 was like the 1st English CS out in the market when compared to Crystal Legacy & Saga of Heroes but right now both of them have lvl150 and we don't. I don't see why we can't have lvl150 by now. I mean there will be several more Daily Events that comes with lvl150. Hell we're missing some events that other CS have that we don't have. And yeah i know about Chinese CS stuff. One of them got mount fusion in the beginning of the year and we're the earliest out of the 3. So it's not like they can't give it to us.


              • #8
                It's already obvious that every version has their own ways of running things. Our version just happens to run at a very slow pace compared to the others. To be honest, we got Lv. 120 Eidolon sooner than we normally would have and that's going to be the case with Lv. 150 if we ever get it.
                The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                • #9
                  One of R2's best new, and once again unannounced (so many of the best additions are NOT mentioned in patch notes) is the changes to RDC and BDC.

                  Socketing rods have been removed, and new items have been added. My list so far:
                  New to RDC:
                  • Soul Print,
                  • Pet breeding stone,
                  • Sperion Socketing Rod shard,
                  • Fragarach Refinement Crystalx2,
                  • Mount Conversion Stone,
                  • Monster Essencex20,
                  • Divine Feather,
                  • Bonosaurus,
                  • Earth Soul Orb Pack,
                  • FireLord egg x 2

                  New to BDC:
                  • Fragarach Refinement Crystalx10,
                  • Mount Fusion Orbx3,
                  • Pack Expander,
                  • Earth Soul Orb Packx2,
                  • Chaos Wing,
                  • Moderate Pet Heavenly Crystalx2,
                  • Mount Conversion Stone,
                  • Soul Printx8,
                  • Monster Essencex50,
                  • FireLord Egg x 5

                  All of these are NOT bound unless they only exist as nontradable items (like monster essence, bonosaurus, and chaos wings). This is only a list from what me and a guildie have seen and may not be complete ^^.
                  LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                  LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                  • #10
                    Meh, why are we even talking about lvl 150 ?

                    Where is the lvl 100 pvp equipment ? How long has that been out in other versions ? How long do you think needed to collect the diamond badges ?

                    Where is the mount food synthesis feature ? That's been out for God knows how long, which is why we have soul Crystal V, IV, III, II, etc. It's really messed up to implement items that are not usable for anything, only for rebirth quest ? that is really something that r2games has made up, still not sure why won't you give us the mount food synthesis. Instead we're having Lesser mount foods ? just to make things even much harder. From what I understand, there's a maximum limit of food that you can give to your mount, so it's not super overpowered or whatever.

                    How about the 10 % unseal gems or the legendary gems ? That's been out forever too in other versions..

                    These all are like really really old features, I'm not even mentioning Blood Forte, Rune, Fruits, because I know they are quite new.

                    Really though, lvl 150 is like the last great/big feature for now, they most likely busy tweaking and saving that for last, but at least get all those other features out first ?


                    • #11
                      I think the main reason many people find CS boring is because there is too much disparity and imbalance within this game; sengolia that end too fast, joking-level avernal, and the cashers who always own every world bosses in each servers and totally curbstomp the non-cashers. And this is not the case with chinese version, whenever they implement new system that have potential to risk the balance within the game, they also implement other system to balance it out. For example, by the time they introduced Auguric Frag (about 2 years ago), they also introduced certain nerfing buff to restrain their users in both sengolia and avernal and prevent them from being too OP. Also, they give the non-cashers much higher chance to compete with the cashers if they work hard enough. How? By making GMUT drop in dungeon and EW/MC obtainable by completing certain daily task (If i'm not wrong, it's something along the lines of "國家"/Coin collecting, dunno how it get done though). And soul print is typically obtainable by trading certain amount your PK points to 片é**曲 (An NPC resembling Guild Management Officer that sits on the left corner of Claire in starglade, not yet introduced in our version)

                      I still have long list to rant about, but i think this is enough
                      Last edited by R24656887; 06-06-2013, 07:09 PM.
                      阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
                      地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Botolminum View Post
                        Meh, why are we even talking about lvl 150 ?

                        Where is the lvl 100 pvp equipment ? How long has that been out in other versions ? How long do you think needed to collect the diamond badges ?

                        Where is the mount food synthesis feature ? That's been out for God knows how long, which is why we have soul Crystal V, IV, III, II, etc. It's really messed up to implement items that are not usable for anything, only for rebirth quest ? that is really something that r2games has made up, still not sure why won't you give us the mount food synthesis. Instead we're having Lesser mount foods ? just to make things even much harder. From what I understand, there's a maximum limit of food that you can give to your mount, so it's not super overpowered or whatever.

                        How about the 10 % unseal gems or the legendary gems ? That's been out forever too in other versions..

                        These all are like really really old features, I'm not even mentioning Blood Forte, Rune, Fruits, because I know they are quite new.

                        Really though, lvl 150 is like the last great/big feature for now, they most likely busy tweaking and saving that for last, but at least get all those other features out first ?

                        if diamond badge doesn't = gold badge for this version that might give you a hint right there we need something else added not just plainly the pvp set. need the way to earn whichever items.
                        for the rest of that topic, what is in other versions might not be the same for this version = UK etc CS's. however if the original has it, then suggest it (without pictures)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post

                          if diamond badge doesn't = gold badge for this version that might give you a hint right there we need something else added not just plainly the pvp set. need the way to earn whichever items.
                          for the rest of that topic, what is in other versions might not be the same for this version = UK etc CS's. however if the original has it, then suggest it (without pictures)
                          From what i've seen, diamond badge is more like bronze badge, cause u need like 100+ for them for pvp equips. And there were events that were kinda dedicated to getting diamond badges. Some form of daily Pet Rescue event in which u get diamond badge as a reward. Of course r2 can always change those #s around.

                          And i'm over the 'other' system, they're all cashing systems anyways. While i find some system like Blood Forte and maybe Runes System reasonable. Things like Ancient Tree system is absurd. Curious on Broken bone system & Dragon pet system. By the way regular food mount exist, just need to win RDC or BDC, even though we should be able to synthesis it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                            From what i've seen, diamond badge is more like bronze badge, cause u need like 100+ for them for pvp equips. And there were events that were kinda dedicated to getting diamond badges. Some form of daily Pet Rescue event in which u get diamond badge as a reward. Of course r2 can always change those #s around.

                            And i'm over the 'other' system, they're all cashing systems anyways. While i find some system like Blood Forte and maybe Runes System reasonable. Things like Ancient Tree system is absurd. Curious on Broken bone system & Dragon pet system. By the way regular food mount exist, just need to win RDC or BDC, even though we should be able to synthesis it.
                            shows how much confusion comparing the versions causes lol. if diamond =bronze we've had that for ages. R2 will have its own way of things. wont be exactly the same as others. if its destined to be though its just a matter of waiting


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                              shows how much confusion comparing the versions causes lol. if diamond =bronze we've had that for ages. R2 will have its own way of things. wont be exactly the same as others. if its destined to be though its just a matter of waiting
                              Ehh, i don't think its confusing unless ur in like a Chinese CS and can't read it. It's just im just checking those version out as a noob and not really gonna spend the "quality" of time to lvl them in order to get into certain lvl req. events & activites. But otherwise its straight forward. Also their forums don't have any helpful guides to figure some of the events out.

