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s61 Bully Pink1

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  • #16
    i bet this "bully " will only get a warning. even mallmmo spammers dont get terminated lol


    • #17
      Dear Manda,

      How do I even begin.
      As some persons on this forum have noted that there is in fact a back-story to you're selective screen shoots.
      (BTW, this is Trix)
      When I first joined the guild, you were actually one of the first persons I was interacted with, you seemed to be a cheerful, kind and VERY helpful person, and took the time to to explain certain aspects of the game when I did not understand.

      However this changed roughly 1-2 weeks ago with you suddenly dropping out of the guild.

      Yes, people do regularly change guilds, but when you have someone that is so involved suddenly dropping out, and you believe yourself to be friends, wouldn't you try to find out why?

      Only to find out that you believed that someone of another guild had an alt in the guild and was could take screenshoots of the guild chat. You were not comfortable with that, so you left. (This to is understandable)

      However, the alt in question was removed, as were other alts and accounts that were deemed suspect. Yet you chose not to come back, and that was fine.

      BUT, your actions after were COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE

      When the person with the alt asked you what happened, you falsely accused Pink to misinterpreting your messages, and you denied that the reason you left was because of the "security" of the guild chat (please note in an earlier post on this same forum, YOU cited that reason) there was also some mention of the alt using guild chat to get Narrt (the one mentioned on the screen shoot) banned.

      You Further went to world chat and "had it out" with the person who owned the alt, and his wife.

      You were told to stop, which you did not, and really, yes he may have gone a-bit overboard, but you tick the guy off.

      After which your account had suspicious activity, i.e. sold all your items for coppers, purging of the friends list, and whenever someone of the guild was in the market to buy from your shop, you would close up and refuse to sell.

      But then no less than 2 days later you'r account comes on and hey look a person comes on saying you sold your account. (so it was basically a pilot on "Manda")

      But in the middle of the "pilot" saying the account was sold, they seemed to know quite a lot about the details about what happened, and actually outed yourself as the original Manda.

      and at this point i asked if you had bi-polar, (yes, yes I did)

      and if you took your pills

      but Manda, the reason WHY most people on the server treat you this way is simply because you created confusion where there was NO NEED for it. You bad talked persons behind their back and did not expect it to come back or anyone to compare notes. Between the lies and giving people here the impression that you are being bullied, I simply don't know what to think.

      however the rest of the guild has moved on to simply ignoring you, (I'm actually surprised that you haven't tried to get me banned, seeing that i've probably done the most "bullying" apart from said husband and wife team- but calling you out on the wc gets lame)

      and you bring up these screenshots now in an effort to get noticed.

      there is apparently a trend with you, you join a guild, get chummy, make confusion, destroy (or almost) the guild and move on.

      if you have real life issues, here is not the place,
      go take a chill-pill




      • #18
        certain things will not be tolerated being said regardless of what someone else is doing. there are proper ways to handle things. if can't file a ticket pm me with the screen shots
        Thread is now closed

