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"End" Game Rogue skills

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  • "End" Game Rogue skills

    What is the point of being a rogue anymore? Why you might ask let me place the following:

    1) All endgame skills are max damage or impossible to use.

    Blade Dance lvl 8/8
    3% of targets HP per hit (Amazing)
    3.3k Max damage not effected by crit (Fail would take 100 hits to kill myself as a rogue..... the most squishy class in the game)

    Devoid lvl 6/6
    20% chance to insta kill (Amazing) and deal tons of damage
    You have to be at 30% health to even use it and if an enemy has you down to even close 30% odds are hes going to kill you next hit before you even get to cast it (Fail)

    Venom lvl 5/5
    25% chance to stack. HP drained per sec 1% up to 50k max stacks 5.
    At first i thought this would be a great skill. Maybe a vamparic style. And maybe that the HP drained would be per stack (example 5 stacks of 1% up to 50k would be 5% up to 250k per sec) nope it only increases the max%. Skill is just fail all around. First off If i can kill someone its usually within the first 3 sec of a stun. Second this skill would take min 20 sec to kill anyone.(Fail)

    Netheron Blast lvl 5/5
    Stuns target for 1 sec (Great another stun)
    2 sec if effected by Venom (**** yeah if Venom wasnt pointless)
    Atk Parameter 290% (OMG!!!)
    Max. DMG 100k not level 140 yet but if it is like Blade dance it wont be max cant be crit. Mean the SUPER UBER OMG Skill just became a 30k hit to a max knight. Meaning i only have to use the skill 40 some odd time to kill his *** (Fail)

    Quick Death lvl 8/8
    10 attacks within 2 sec with a 64% attack coefficient (sounds good)
    Wait I attack every .4 sec thats 5 attacks in that 2 sec but wait i have 240% attack speed so I am really attacking 12 times in that 2 sec (Fail)

    Invincibility lvl 6/6
    1 sec invicible (would be great if it was like rangers every 6 sec for 3 sec otherwise pointless)
    Increase attack by 25% (not bad to bad it costs a cool down)
    a 35 sec CD wait so a ranger gets to be impossible to hit for 50% of the time and im only about 10% (*** Fail)

    Lunar Halo lvl 5/5
    Attack Increased by 40% (not bad)
    Dodge increased by 30% (Not bad might get me up to 91% dodge to help compenstate for the insane Hit% unless its a % increase to dodge which would put me at 120% usfull)
    100% chance to always crit (I am at 110% crit rate right now i dont know when the last time i didnt crit was)
    (Fail unless you just want a 40% increase in attack 17.64% of the time)

    Queen's Blade lvl 5/5 (Not going to lie I have a ton of questions on this one)
    Gives an attack and critical strike buff every 5 seconds, buffs reset after a single attack (So wait 25 sec for max buff?)
    Attack increased by 40% (Increase 40% per stack? 200% max?)
    Critical strike increased by 20% (Increase 20% per stack? Crit damage or Chance?)
    Current stack increases by:1
    Stack Limit 5
    Cooldown: 5 (wait whats this CD for?)
    So one monsterous hit every 25 sec? If i am understanding that right?

    2) The game is currently being pumped so full of hit rogues only protection other than stealth which can be knocked out of by any AoE, Is about useless. I am getting hunted by mages, rangers and knights with 60%+ hit. I have done everything in my power to increase my dodge I am running out of stuff to do right now I am at 91% and been working my butt of in it while everyone else is just handed it. Between guild buffs and PvP guantlets that will give you 50% right there alone. Where is my 50% dodge? now granted that Helm does counter Gloves but still you get like 30% Hit from Guild.

    There is a long list of stuff I can go on about like wasting skills while target is moving because he just got out of range and you skill blow a CD and so on. But, you know what I am tired and this gets my point across. And if you would like i can compair them to other classes skills as well. Or i could go on about how Purges, do to our multiple hits per attacks, clears our Stuns 2x as fast.

    <rage mode="off">
    Name: Stigmata a.k.a Stiggy
    Spouse: TheFallenOne
    Server: (S2)Xianyang
    Level: 70
    Guild: Matrix
    Guild Title: MrEngineer

  • #2
    You think you have it bad? Have you seen a priest tree?

    Light beam has no practical use for dps due to blood beam being superior in dps and hits per min (therefore more procs).

    Basic spirit infusion does more damage than improved (glitched forever).

    Basic blood beam 5 does more damage than improved and master counterparts (still glitched for awhile).

    life drain deals dmg and heals a fixed amount of damage while its reduction increasing/reducing effect lasts for 4seconds (CD 6sec). I could attack twice and kill someone instead and that healing effect? I might kill and fully heal myself after a couple hundred casts and an hr to kill.

    Demonic grasp - hell yeah 8 sec stun! Wait... I can't do anything too... 1v1 situation = fail Great support... if it didn't take 3minutes to cooldown

    Curses - as support they're great, for damage? they're pathetic as they don't proc any passives and do NOT crit. Also, only affects base stats so that 35% def reduction SOUNDS nice but really, it's only gonna reduce about 6k def in that 80kdef tank there...

    blood fog totem - I CAN STEALTH! Wait, do I have a follow up skill? No. Can I attack and stay in stealth? No. Can I move while stealthed? Yes but only for about 2-4sec
    per 5sec as long as you aren't TOO far away from the totem...

    Tenacity's suppose to reduce crit dmg done to us... but lv 5 is only 20% and appears to not work... besides... what's 20% reduction gonna do to someone with 300-400%? Make it 280-380%? or maybe it doesn't even work still.

    Bloodguard for some extra hp but its only 3k at lv 5...

    Improved Blood Pact lv 5 does 2% dot for 5 sec? GREAT cept its capped at 2k. Guess I'll stick to basic to save some points.

    Bloody Acres.... Can't aim the thing in a group fight

    on to the lol heals

    when is holy light ever going to save us when we got a couple hundred thousand and this heals us for... .5k? every 2 sec for 12 sec... The rangers got a better one >.>

    Grace... do any priests actually use this when the math is blatantly obvious that using light heal twice > Grace once and that cooldown is just stupid...

    Magic Blast? It's magical alright, it gives me and everyone debuffs too! GLlad I can sunder my allies and stun/slow them for the mobs to kill us.

    Virtues... My friend saw 15-60k splash dmg... very small radius... oh , her regular hits are 600k tho...

    Let's not forget how long priests have had bugged skills and a not working death cometh for a LONG time before it became a practical skill to use. (Actually... the only skill they've fixed for priests as far as I've noticed in my game time)

    quite a list there
    Last edited by sithewarrior; 07-20-2013, 12:30 AM.
    Sith's Priest Guide


    • #3
      Then you don't know how to play a rogue, Stigmata.
      I can hit for 4 million+ dmg with netheron blast.

      Devoid is one of the greatest skills o.O Even noob eidolon rogues can solo all their dungeons and beat most ladder floors with it, even if their stats are ****.
      Invincibility is a skill used to leave the battle and re-enter stealth.

      But the endgame skill for rogues is "Normal Attack". I rarely use anything else.


      • #4
        Wait how are you hitting 4 million + damage if it is maxxed at 100k damage o.O Like i said i dont have the skill yet but figuring 100k max damage and i have a crit damage rate of 360% it should hit around 360k. I am assuming you dont have a crit damage rate of 4,000%.
        Name: Stigmata a.k.a Stiggy
        Spouse: TheFallenOne
        Server: (S2)Xianyang
        Level: 70
        Guild: Matrix
        Guild Title: MrEngineer


        • #5
          I have close to 300k patk, 440% crit damage.
          That is 1.3m damage.

          Netheron Blast has 300% atk ratio. There is no max damage cap, even though the skill says it. Probably another typo.


          • #6
            LOL a rogue the most OP class in the game crying about skills.


            • #7
              mages have it pretty rough, our skills in fire tree no one really uses. the skill to shorten cast time takes a bit of time to cast in its self and is only good for one skill.
              everyone always goes for ice passives.

              no one will reduce hp 15% for small amount of attack boost, would be like investing in all the HP in zodiac just to nerf it. pfft. ESPECIALLY with glutton to fight. need all the HP can get.
              Rangers Daemon Shield gives them freedom of mobility and ability to own any magic class when that buff cycles every couple of seconds,
              mages- we get something that freezes us to the ground making us a sitting duck while rangers get to perch up on a nice spot and own any mage right out of recovery.
              would say it takes more investing into a mage that can solo a dungeon then a rogue or anything else. priests do have it rough in PVP standards but just need to get attack speed up and some other things &can be pretty beefy. priests are most highest demanded class needed for support.
              Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 07-20-2013, 05:42 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ragex0411 View Post
                LOL a rogue the most OP class in the game crying about skills.
                This ^ I've played for a year total and have tested all classes alot. Rogue owns all in pvp, events etc, the only class that has a slight chance against an OP/skilled rogue is knight with max reduction. Rangers have traps but I find them too cheap so I don't use them for now anyway, but a stealthed rogue with crazy high movement speed and crit runs up on you stuns, restealths death... They're OP in every stat other than defense. Not trying to troll the original poster, but if anything they should be nerfed or stealth shouldn't last so long. I find it ridiculous a scion, high crit, stealthed rogue with a fraction of my stats can actually kill me in hellstorm if he stuns me for long enough. I'd like to see a rogue that doesn't depend on slayers cloak, your dodge is high enough stop hiding soo much sneaky!!! The only class that needs real work (like a major overhaul) is Priest. If anything just to get them to stop complaining so much. >

                @- ShadowGammaDraco- w/o daimon shield rangers would have no protection against stuns we'd be sitting ducks, even with it I still find my self getting stun locked alot. I agree though that the mage shield is kinda bad considering you can't move.

                These new 130/140 skills need work I think too, they're glitched. Cast time on both 130 rangers skills is ridiculous, it makes them useless in pvp. There's no way the arrow pierce description is correct either because it's far weaker than my basic attack it's basically my worst skill and I have it at lvl 5.
                Kong server 5
                Apocalypse guild
                Ranger Eidolon lvl 150
                Infinite Prestige title & BoL broken as a non-casher. Fused pure gen 1 kilin
                Gen 3 Morphed Swordovan (Excalibur), Gen 4 Guardian Angel, Demon King, Cupid, Bunny etc...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sithewarrior View Post
                  You think you have it bad? Have you seen a priest tree?

                  Light beam has no practical use for dps due to blood beam being superior in dps and hits per min (therefore more procs).

                  Basic spirit infusion does more damage than improved (glitched forever).

                  Basic blood beam 5 does more damage than improved and master counterparts (still glitched for awhile).

                  life drain deals dmg and heals a fixed amount of damage while its reduction increasing/reducing effect lasts for 4seconds (CD 6sec). I could attack twice and kill someone instead and that healing effect? I might kill and fully heal myself after a couple hundred casts and an hr to kill.

                  Demonic grasp - hell yeah 8 sec stun! Wait... I can't do anything too... 1v1 situation = fail Great support... if it didn't take 3minutes to cooldown

                  Curses - as support they're great, for damage? they're pathetic as they don't proc any passives and do NOT crit. Also, only affects base stats so that 35% def reduction SOUNDS nice but really, it's only gonna reduce about 6k def in that 80kdef tank there...

                  blood fog totem - I CAN STEALTH! Wait, do I have a follow up skill? No. Can I attack and stay in stealth? No. Can I move while stealthed? Yes but only for about 2-4sec
                  per 5sec as long as you aren't TOO far away from the totem...

                  Tenacity's suppose to reduce crit dmg done to us... but lv 5 is only 20% and appears to not work... besides... what's 20% reduction gonna do to someone with 300-400%? Make it 280-380%? or maybe it doesn't even work still.

                  Bloodguard for some extra hp but its only 3k at lv 5...

                  Improved Blood Pact lv 5 does 2% dot for 5 sec? GREAT cept its capped at 2k. Guess I'll stick to basic to save some points.

                  Bloody Acres.... Can't aim the thing in a group fight

                  on to the lol heals

                  when is holy light ever going to save us when we got a couple hundred thousand and this heals us for... .5k? every 2 sec for 12 sec... The rangers got a better one >.>

                  Grace... do any priests actually use this when the math is blatantly obvious that using light heal twice > Grace once and that cooldown is just stupid...

                  Magic Blast? It's magical alright, it gives me and everyone debuffs too! GLlad I can sunder my allies and stun/slow them for the mobs to kill us.

                  Virtues... My friend saw 15-60k splash dmg... very small radius... oh , her regular hits are 600k tho...

                  Let's not forget how long priests have had bugged skills and a not working death cometh for a LONG time before it became a practical skill to use. (Actually... the only skill they've fixed for priests as far as I've noticed in my game time)

                  quite a list there
                  ^This. This is truth. All priests skills are downright ****. Even the ones for PVP have some nerf on them -_-
                  Free Priest and Proud to be one.
                  Level 70+ Eidolon
                  Current Goals: Max Sperion, Extreme Angel Lord Wings, GT, Perfect Weapon far from all tho D:
                  Send me a PM for any Priest Related Questions. I have tried every priest skill except for the new extended level cap ones

