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Sengolia Battegrounds

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  • Sengolia Battegrounds

    Well. I'm just posting this for a suggestion.. Im not sure if there has been any thread or suggestions like the one im gonna be making but seriously??? OMG. Cant you at least make your battlefields fair? Like since its for lvl 30 and above. make it a point for lvl 30 - 50 players AND not scions or what. the scions that are lvl 30 can join the 50 and above battlegrounds. Cant you guys even make this game more fair for others. Also I did hear a suggestion earlier in sengolia that if players would spawn kill which makes the battle dumb and no sense in even going on to play should not be getting any honor or minis their honor for doing that. Oh I forgot that thier are 2 sengolia's.. Well there you go!! from there please first sengolia can be for the low levels(Mortals Only) 30 - 50 or 60 and the second sengolia for the higher lvls 50+ or 60+ plus the 30+ scions and join the battlefield! Dont ya think? Gee. Hope you would do something bout this.

    S63 Hellstorm
    Last edited by meihe; 08-23-2013, 09:34 PM.

  • #2
    Battlefield Balancer.......


    • #3
      Well yeah.. Eh I try to be an active player as much as I can and I want to get good in the game~ but kinda hard I do have a life outside just sometimes when at home and just relaxing it'd be nice to play and not get killed right away when joining the battlefield and ACTUALLY get to enjoy it. Instead of enjoying the game as it is a game and ur suppose to enjoy it. You dont. well I dont :/ maybe its just me. Whatever~


      • #4
        Well if there are players playing much longer than you they will probably kill you that much faster.
        Originally posted by iTz_SoN
        I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
        I treat all players equally - so they all die.


        • #5
          well Duh. uh huh I know that already??? im just saying would be nice to have a balanced battlefield
          Last edited by meihe; 08-23-2013, 10:06 PM.


          • #6
            It is balanced level 30 can kill a level 60 with both using main attack and no equipment or soul.

            But separating the sengolias by level would probably help ..... maybe.
            Originally posted by iTz_SoN
            I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
            I treat all players equally - so they all die.


            • #7
              Level segregation won't solve your frustration.
              Someone would just stay mortal/rebirthed with good soul and prepped gears, would just keep their levels low and farm.
              You don't want to be honor farm by a guy with Ares armor and a Perfect X weapon now, do you?
              A werewolf, A wearwolf, A warewolf, Aware wolf.


              • #8
                I dont care anymore lol. wasnt a great day a work maybe thats why. haha oops~ ^^ this is just a game anyways. games a game nothing else. so what if ppl still stay mortal and have the best of equipments thou. yeah they'd be able to kill me and whoever. but who really cares. just having a lvl difference type seems that it could help in any way. Or maybe im wrong. oh gee. Im done Peace out.
                Last edited by meihe; 08-24-2013, 05:57 PM.


                • #9
                  Saying you're further in real life compared to the game should not be a point to make. :/
                  I work 45 hours a week and still maintain a good character on the game.
                  It just takes time - I couldn't attend Sengolia, Delivery Quest, sometimes couldn't even attend Guild Resource.
                  It's all time and patience.
                  The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                  • #10
                    Im sorry my bad wasnt thinking. and oohhh good job then Iknow I havent been attending much of that anyways. Might as well stop ~
                    Last edited by meihe; 08-24-2013, 06:13 PM.


                    • #11
                      problem with the spawn killing, if they make players lose honor for it, the spawn campers will just sit near your crystal and wait for u to come out of the spawn area to kill you. if they divide it by level seng would be empty most likely, especially on the older servers. itd be nice if maybe they made seng based on ur rb plane, like mortal+scion in 1 and eidos in the other. but that brings us back to empty seng most likely. so i think the only thing they can really do is allow unlimited rounds of seng within the 1 hour time slot they have for it, instead of 2 rounds that r done in 5-10 minutes. but after the second round if less than 5 players per team within 5 mins or so they cancel the event, until the next time slot. i think thats a pretty good idea, it would allow more people a chance to participate, and the strong players would be spread out and that would reduce the chance of being spawn killed over and over... but also some players that arent end game would start coming, and maybe they would start spawn killing too. lol so many variables... i can see why they havent made any major changes...

