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Unannounced Changes Discussion

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  • Unannounced Changes Discussion

    Most recently, a serious change to the game that was not announced, was the proper fuse stat calculations for mount.
    For more information see:

    That thread is now locked so if you'd like to comment about it, please post here.

    With such a change, players are basically out 5-15k pcs if they fused before the hidden change.
    As a player who, although did not fuse my mounts yet, I believe that such a change should of been announced and players affected should be properly compensated.
    This ofcourse raises another issue:

    How many other hidden changes have occurred?

    Just this week, my treasure trove partner and I have both found Pet Slot Expanders (not the skill one) from the L5 and L4 boss respectively. I think this would of been a nice piece of information.

    This turns out to be a bug but we didn't know for sure until Aug. 26:
    This was reported on the 8th of August

    Whether or not a change was intended, they should of all been announced. Shouldn't players have the right to know about changes in the game and whether or not something is bugged immediately if it is an unconfirmed/new issue?
    Sith's Priest Guide

  • #2
    Point One no longer needs to be brought up besides in Haphaestus' thread.

    Point Two: Well, now we know.
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #3
      Only those who read the threads do and word of mouth. Doesn't mean everyone will right away.


      • #4
        There are loads of unannounced changes/bugs, which is funny 'cuz one of the things people complain about in patch notes is the lack of bug fixes, but we actually plenty of them - it's just they're often not announced.

        For example:
        at least on my server, the IOB entry time bug has been fixed. It correctly does it at 12:10 now and not 12:08/12:09.
        RDC and BDC prize changes were not announced, which considering it was a week or two after a RDC event, would have been nice to have a heads up on.
        The addition of rarity to equipment names was also not announced (and I still think it's stupid because DCs clearly state that they work on Legendary, but the stupid system claims all orange are Legendary even though orange slayer is not as DCs do not work on them)

        There are more, many more, but it's hard to remember them all since they're not documented (and no, I don't keep a list...I really should have, would make it easier).

        And yes, when major bugs are reported by players, there should be an official announcement in the News section to warn other players.

        I've always felt player communication was R2's weakest point.
        LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

        LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



        • #5
          I think if R2 was much more upfront with there plans and changes and stuff, the community would really like them alot more, companies who plan to last and do good, are upfront with there players, give them info and notice on stuff, tell them about changes, do patchlogs, people love to see this stuff. Gives us confidence in the Devs. I love logging in after a update, cuase its the one and only time u will ever see R2 announce anything, if they did this alot more often i think they would have alot more love from the community as a whole.


          • #6
            its beta saga bro! get used to it! tho i do agree they should improve their communication skills and bla bla bla i dont feel liek commenting too much, makes as much sense for me to comment as talking to a wall. PEACE!

