............vv vv vv vv vv
>> >>http://imgur.com/a/NXcBR <<[screenhots of the first two bosses nearly dead, and the loot]<<
............^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
>> >>http://imgur.com/a/NXcBR <<[screenhots of the first two bosses nearly dead, and the loot]<<
............^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
I'm wondering if this is at all impressive? I disconnected right before I tried fighting Vega. Which blows because I need that quest. (If any of you can run it with me quick, that'd be great hahah.) I don't know this game very well. I haven't read much on the forums. If you're interested, I can post Sshots of my stats and whatever else. While I'm at it, I'm wondering if I can send gear from this character to another one on the same server? I got a sweet rogue weapon I want for my tooooon!