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Server Problem

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  • Server Problem

    Well...I really don't know how to start this, but it affects me in a way possible so I'll just voice out my concern about our server which is s63[Hellstorm]. This past few days there is a conflict between players, but not just normal players it's like the "Big" Players. I don't really know what's it about but I think it something to do with other players accusing the other player about cheating, botting, illegal obtaining of gold and leveling, and also outside cash transactions. Of course I don't have nothing to do with that, it's their issues not mine so I don't mind at first. But this certain player, his guildies and friends somewhat controls a part of the servers economy, I don't know but that's what I see it, they're saying that they are hard butt farmers and they all work hard to obtain items in game but that is just none of my business since I am just a normal player there to have fun...right. But these past few days things are getting bad, normal players have little gold in their hands but the prices shoots up like rocket to the moon, I mean literally prices wen't out of control. There is nothing to buy, but a bit of this and that, the vital items are just impossible to obtain. I know this is kind of normal but not at this rate, our servers normal players just like me is suffering because of this, the normal economic interactions is like messed up because of the issues thrown at the other side. Sometimes discussions in WC is just getting out of control being the other side dissing the other sides race and whatnot, even mothers and wives and fathers....come on!I am fond of this game like everybody else does, but at this rate...I don't see any fun at all, most of us came here to have fun and not to be controlled by a "syndicate" that have other agendas than to just play.
    "Be quiet, I'm doing the fishstick! It's a very delicate state of mind."

  • #2
    You know even though you can't buy item in starglade or something it cannot affect you....just ignore them you don't need them you can just try to go dungeons or buy in the item shop. here is my tip try to focus on leveling, do grinding, dungeons, quest, optional quest, etc. it will make you stronger in that way you make money even more
    Server: Sukemo Bluff (S35)
    Character's Name: Tiger01
    Level: 60+ (Eidolon)
    Rank: Archduke
    Guild Name: (J1)Titans

    "One by one, I will find the concealed meanings of everything."


    • #3
      I do that but the yield of dungeons is not enough to support the need of my toon, I mean I can't do sperion dungeons and I can't even solo SR nightmare so for that shortcomings I ought to find something useful in the market to buy. I guess I just have to wait for the merge or migrate to the new server that is coming in like forever
      "Be quiet, I'm doing the fishstick! It's a very delicate state of mind."


      • #4
        You know what you need to do then?

        Suck it up, deal with it and farm what you can each day because it'll build up.
        Sure its slow at first but it was like that when we all started especially pre frag era.
        We were still doing parties just to do nm psych. And if they're going to boost prices like that, there's a huge opportunity to sell stuff for slightly lower prices.
        Keep what you need, sell what you don't, keep farming, and ignore them. It's the nature of the game.
        Sith's Priest Guide

