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Thoughts on new heraldry system

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  • Thoughts on new heraldry system

    I have been playing this game for a few months now, have spent a little money on it because I was having fun. Vip and a few crystals here and there.

    I was around when beast soul came out and fruits came out and saw all the people complain on the forums casher this casher that and thought wow what a bunch of crybabies they don't even know what the "system" is about and already crying. With those systems you can progress in them with 0 crystal purchase.

    But this new event feels just like a cash grab and I am very disappointed. I feel like I'm gonna turn into one of the crybabies and complain but this event is just a cash grab and makes me wanna quit playing to be honest. I hope they do change it and let us progress without crystals like previous systems albeit slower then someone buying crystals but at least we can progress.

    Im not sure if anyone else feels the same way or if R2 will make any changes but there is always hope...

  • #2
    Oh one other thing the rune of beginnings are a complete joke. If you plan to use this new system its cheaper to not use those, so what is their purpose other then to try to trick people that are not good at math into wasting more crystals? In the fate shop its cheaper to just buy the rune of heavens, because you have to spend crystals to upgrade runes. This is a real slap in the face to your players..


    • #3
      well i think there should be other lvl seals too not only lvl3 and above. since u have runes lvl1 then u should start with seals lvl1 too. and since 1 single seal will cost 3-5k xtal(the lvl3 ones) im not really sure if more than 3-4 ppl will even try to get the higher ones


      • #4
        this past couple of months CS UPGRADE is for crystal use only... this will be a very bad image to the game. many will be discourage at this new system they are providing to us their players... TOO MUCH CASH MAKES THE GAME WORST...


        • #5
          But this new event feels just like a cash grab and I am very disappointed. I feel like I'm gonna turn into one of the crybabies and complain but this event is just a cash grab and makes me wanna quit playing to be honest. I hope they do change it and let us progress without crystals like previous systems albeit slower then someone buying crystals but at least we can progress.
          In the fate shop its cheaper to just buy the rune of heavens, because you have to spend crystals to upgrade runes. This is a real slap in the face to your players..
          Those are very true,this new system is a SCAM : first cause there is no way to get item in game like Monster Handbook and secondary cause of useless lvl 1 rune and runes of heaven ! That prove the consideration you got of players : only gettting more more more dollars from them ! like all say you are only discouraging ppl to get higher w/o insane amount of cash and i don't talk about non casher,but those you just don't care since you won't get anything from them.
          that's just fail marketing. fun has gone with system like this and a nice game became a cash contest ! get lost with your game R2 xixi and other aeria,i'm not spending a euro more for ****** system that fail at 90% and overpriced.
          So one more time : pls,inplant item in game even very low drop,but makes ppl able to play enjoying playing and having fun cause you are ruining it all.
          Last edited by Davinelulinvega; 10-21-2013, 04:37 AM.


          • #6
            Guys, let us all remember that Crystal Saga is a serious business after all. CS needs to make profit from the events to sustain the game, the servers, and stuff.
            If you feel that you are being juiced through these events, you still have the choice not to participate. They are just creating new ways on how to improve
            gameplay as well as improve their profit.


            • #7
              How does this system improve gameplay? As far as I know all it does is increase stats.
              Server: (S4)Wilterlands
              Class: Rogue
              Level: 120
              Plane: Eidolon
              Rank: Emperor



              • #8
                The main problem with CS is there is no further evolution once you're a level 150 eido. You just end up farming dungeons to upgrade your gear and that's it. They abandoned the honor system and added several cash systems. I figure all the major cashers will be the only steady players. If you don't cash or only cash a little you won't stand a chance against player that drop 10k. I'm not saying a non-casher should be able to compete with a 10k+ casher but the way the game is the 10k+ casher can quit for a year and come back and still be stronger than even a VIP, moderate casher. Their events are too one sided. Monster Handbook - all cash, Fruit Tree - at least non-cashers get 10 chances but cashers get orange fruit while I get fruit of rebirth 3 or 4 times a day, Heraldry - a damn joke, the amount of cash you need for low level stuff is too much. They have to keep opening servers to make money, but new servers cost them more money too. They're not smart enough to listen to the people that have played for years. If they fix bugs and add some non-casher content once a month or every other month it would go a long way. This game was MMO of the year in 2011 and it's gone down hill since then. I continue to play hoping they'll get back to some of the things they did when the game first launched. I'm not going to hold my breath, and as soon as I find another game I like I'll never play this again. This used to be a gamer's game, now its just a bored rich kid money dump.
                "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"

