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Overpowered class.

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  • Overpowered class.

    Ranger is way too overpowered compared to any other classes and it should be nerfed.
    I mean, Luck,heal,traps,movement speed and that damage. Seriously?
    Do something about this seriously.
    /discussion about Rangers.


  • #2
    It seems you haven't faced a rogue who doesn't get hit yet. It's the only class that has the potential to never get hit...
    Sith's Priest Guide


    • #3
      Oh your talking about that rogue.


      • #4
        Originally posted by sithewarrior View Post
        It seems you haven't faced a rogue who doesn't get hit yet. It's the only class that has the potential to never get hit...
        Rangers have potential to get Nice criticals and dodges. it is ridiculous.


        • #5
          Since you're in S65, I'm assuming you're currently around Middle-game stages. They'll get more OP when they get invincibility, just saying.

          For now, they aren't that OP and CAN be taken down very fast if you are a rogue, but of course if the rogue doesn't stun, the ranger can easily kite and then kill. Though, eventually at the end of the game everyone will be so OP that everyone can 1-hit each other because CS really just makes events/features that upgrade your Attack and not health or DEF.

          Rangers are able to be killed, but if you're melee and you run into a trap then you can forget about living, because you'll get kited.
          Crystal Saga:
          Server: S66
          Class: Knight - Protection
          Name: SlainAgain
          Soul: N/A
          Mount: N/A
          Wings: N/A
          Level: N/A

          Time to get ready for the altsssss.


          • #6
            all classes are OP u just need to build them right . why dont u say knights are op ? they have angelic blessing . as for us rangers the only 2 op skills we got is the shield and the level 140 skill
            It's important to make people happy, but you got to start by yourself


            • #7
              Comparing all class's to a priest.. well a priest that does not cash heavily.. every class is OP.

              If you take 2 people, 1 plays a priest, 1 plays any other class, and they both cash the same amount, and buy the same things, Priest will lose, in a pvp fight or pve fight, or an event that requires killing or damaging.

              Rogues during the Halloween event have been soloing those Scarecrows, purely because of their skill points in atkspd, a priest cannot solo a scarecrow without heavy atkspd in soul.
              Avernal, rogues again.

              We have a rogue on our server on s65 that seems to dodge all traps and all curses, he just doesn't get hit by them.

              We also have an OP Ranger on the server, but i highly doubt anyone cares to pay that much money and skip the majority of the game just to /flex in worldchat.


              • #8
                Interesting you say that witch_s65, in my server their is both a ranger and a rogue that are top notched in terms of power and money. They make 99% of our server look like weaklings and yes im sure most yea know who they are. Their the type of chars that walk into a battlefield with 20 people attacking them and single handily slaughter all them without breaking a sweat.

                On topic, all classes can be OP with the right build, set up, skill and the person who plays it. I have a few priests in my server who as much as id hate to admit it are pretty skilled at pvp does that mean they can kill everyone? well no. However its only goes to show with the right amount of skill you dont need to cash to be good.

                Also to point out rangers being OP is kinda like saying rogues are impossible to kill, its not impossible it just takes the right class to do so. I for one find that a knight can be far more OP then a rogue can for one knights have the highest reduction which affects all damage including ap damage and a knight with 75% reduction in both fields is extremely hard to kill unless you got some serious power behind you.
                Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
                Server: Glacial Planes.
                Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

                For in depth knight guide click the link below

                "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


                • #9
                  3/5 classes are ranged attackers. unless the rogue has played for a year or more and/or cashed a lot theyre nothing to worry about. im a rogue and i get my *** kicked all the time, especially when skills refuse to work in seng and my player just stops in the middle of the field for no reason.


                  • #10
                    im a rogue lvl 70 mortal but im happy that i can kill a lot of scion and eidolon rangers proude to be rogue


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bla2400 View Post
                      Interesting you say that witch_s65, in my server their is both a ranger and a rogue that are top notched in terms of power and money. They make 99% of our server look like weaklings and yes im sure most yea know who they are. Their the type of chars that walk into a battlefield with 20 people attacking them and single handily slaughter all them without breaking a sweat.

                      On topic, all classes can be OP with the right build, set up, skill and the person who plays it. I have a few priests in my server who as much as id hate to admit it are pretty skilled at pvp does that mean they can kill everyone? well no. However its only goes to show with the right amount of skill you dont need to cash to be good.

                      Also to point out rangers being OP is kinda like saying rogues are impossible to kill, its not impossible it just takes the right class to do so. I for one find that a knight can be far more OP then a rogue can for one knights have the highest reduction which affects all damage including ap damage and a knight with 75% reduction in both fields is extremely hard to kill unless you got some serious power behind you.
                      I really like the last part you said about knights. =) You are that a character built correctly is good. I am working on max damage reduction as a knight. It's a major pain, but the payoff is enormous.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by K5_Saph View Post
                        I really like the last part you said about knights. =) You are that a character built correctly is good. I am working on max damage reduction as a knight. It's a major pain, but the payoff is enormous.
                        ahhh but you forget about defense reducing skills rogues have.... not to mention the great skill called assassins thrust ^_^ 100% defense ignore at lvl 5 with 5 second cooldown is nice if you ask me.... not my strongest skill but useful against those pesky suit wearers
                        Server -Kabam English
                        Char Name - World
                        Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                        Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                        Guild - Reality(leader)
                        no longer playing

