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spamming to buying

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  • spamming to buying

    in this time, im just buying a new mount golem palaquin, im just buying but everyone says im spamming and they reported me, is the reason is valid? im just buying, am i no right to use WC because im spamming/ or im just buying, i need a reply from moderator or gm for this issues, maybe some of the player in my server reported me, but im just need a mount and i have a gold/platinum
    IGN: xSpade
    Server: zensho Island
    Class/Job: rogue

  • #2
    thing is ppl get ****** off if u keep posting the same thing giv some time gap and post again


    • #3
      Originally posted by diablu View Post
      thing is ppl get ****** off if u keep posting the same thing giv some time gap and post again
      not repeatedly, the WC is dead and my time interval is 30-45 sec, so im the only one who shout,
      IGN: xSpade
      Server: zensho Island
      Class/Job: rogue


      • #4
        If someone can see it in Chat there is no reason to say it in chat again. Meaning if WC was dead like you said there was no reason to say it again. If WC was busy, then it would make sense to say it a little more often because the chat would be moving and your seller might miss it.

        Spamming would be considered saying the same thing over and over and over with no other chat in between your WC postings. And spamming is an adequate reason to report someone. If you have not been muted yet (because it takes quite a few reports to mute you) then I would stop doing it repeatedly, and only send it again when it has been off the WC for a few minutes, just as a reminder.

        And being reported by enough people WILL get you muted for a period of time. So you might want to take it into consideration that you are risking a mute, and if you are muted enough times the Mods and or GMs might look into a cause for a temporary ban.

        No one likes a spammer.
        Server: (S39) Erie Marsh
        Character: Jessie
        Class: Priest
        Level: 106+
        Plane Eidolon
        Guild DarkCrusade

        “I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

