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Ant-Mage ranger vs. Priest >> ranger easy(hardly any chance for priest ... btw we talking same stats range)
Ranger Nature vs. Rogue >> stealth rogue easy unless ranger takes the rogue out of stealth
Ant-Mage ranger vs. Rogue >> same as above
Tank vs. Rogue >> rogues if they are stealthed even if knight has dmg reflect shield if they dont use it b4 rogue stuns them they are dead and if they do use it the rogues just wait for the buff to expire and they still kill them
Knight vs. Mage >> id have to say whoever gets the stun off first wins, unless the knight doesnt have stun then mage wins.
Priest vs. Rogue? this is the only fight thats 50-50 if priest has curses he just spams them around and maybe he gets lucky and catches the rogue and atks curse again atk so on... but if rogue has vagabonds(dodge skill) rogues win easy even tough they still get routed after those 2 seconds they come 1-2 hit you with their high atks speed and crit rate....
offtopic:hardly anyone wins against rogues of the same stats as the oposite players, rogues even have an easyer time if they have even lower stats by just a little then the other guy/girl... early game they arent that good but after they get their stats up by a bit they pwn every class(depends against high stats knight)... except the casher class ^_^ ... there should be something done about it in events such as avernal or boss's similar to gotor(rogue related) anyway thats a diff subject
Ant-Mage ranger vs. Priest >> ranger easy(hardly any chance for priest ... btw we talking same stats range)
Ranger Nature vs. Rogue >> stealth rogue easy unless ranger takes the rogue out of stealth
Ant-Mage ranger vs. Rogue >> same as above
Tank vs. Rogue >> rogues if they are stealthed even if knight has dmg reflect shield if they dont use it b4 rogue stuns them they are dead and if they do use it the rogues just wait for the buff to expire and they still kill them
Knight vs. Mage >> id have to say whoever gets the stun off first wins, unless the knight doesnt have stun then mage wins.
Priest vs. Rogue? this is the only fight thats 50-50 if priest has curses he just spams them around and maybe he gets lucky and catches the rogue and atks curse again atk so on... but if rogue has vagabonds(dodge skill) rogues win easy even tough they still get routed after those 2 seconds they come 1-2 hit you with their high atks speed and crit rate....
Umm isn't that Knight reflect damage a passive scion skill?
Knight vs. Mage - Like I said Mage can survive of the moves of Knight if he knows how to play the class.
Priest vs. Rogue - No chances for Priest if a Shadow Rogue stuns the Priest, Against Combat Rogue it could be pretty much 50-50 the winner is the one who has better luck, Priest on hitting or Rogue on dodging.
And to the starter of the topic; if you wanna know what class to pick for PvPing, I'd say either Rogue or Mage. (Shadow)Rogue if you wanna win just about anyone on 1vs1 and like to hide and strike when it's the less expected. And (Fire)Mage if you wanna go in terminator mode and basically just kill anything that moves.
AM Range v Priest - Ranger unless the priest really knows how to play the class
I'd do a video demonstration of Priest vs. AM-Ranger but this laptop is too low-end so I can't record with this. I can say that I know how to play Priest and I can tell you that Priest has no chance to win AM-Ranger (without pets) if they both have samekinda stats.
Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "
Anti-Mage ranger vs Priest - Strong Shot will make short work of Priest
Nat vs Rogue - Rogue if it stuns, Ranger if it sees rogue first
AM Ranger vs Rogue - Again, if ranger sees rogue first, ranger... if not then rogue
Tank vs Rogue - If tank has very high defense, tank
Knight vs Mage - I'm assuming this means a DPS knight without stuns and low defense, in which case Mage would easily win. DPS Knight with Dragon Hook and Shield Breaker would make short work of Mage
Priest vs Rogue - Depends on circumstances, if rogue is snared; Priest. if rogue sneaks up; rogue
Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight
Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€* Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)
If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime