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Getting Bored

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  • Getting Bored

    im getting tired and bored leveling.. still im noob.. dun know what to do now.
    Bloodfang Valley
    IGN: TrueShotAura
    Level: 90 + +
    Guild: MortalElites

  • #2
    I'm bored with it and just got back into the game D:
    I'm keeping busy thought by trying to get the best wings I can


    • #3
      yeah me too i like wings but just got tired of evryday routine.. and server now dying they are all strong now.. i like the game alot but in that case im just sad of it.
      Bloodfang Valley
      IGN: TrueShotAura
      Level: 90 + +
      Guild: MortalElites


      • #4
        How are you leveling? Maybe you're doing it in a boring way.
        LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

        LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



        • #5
          Try Bath and events, do some guild tasks, do quests its all fun and games!


          • #6
            Leave for a bit and then come back? I did that for a while but I'm getting bored again lol It's a cycle really.


            • #7
              Yeah, The CS is very good game, but its getting boring when you playing it +2 months...GM's are active on the events and ect.But Same *edit* everyday, sorry for that expressing.I fink new balanced Character would be best to make it not boring.
              Last edited by MemoryLane; 09-06-2012, 01:49 PM. Reason: language


              • #8
                well yeah i do bath (perfect) , guild task, Crypt, Ladder but it hard to be in party that is strong, because they want party member to be strong also, im just lucky if im party with make pass to lvl 20.. also hard to farm hw with my lvel. My wings is just extreme demigod.. hard 2b strong.
                Bloodfang Valley
                IGN: TrueShotAura
                Level: 90 + +
                Guild: MortalElites


                • #9
                  maybe add on some new skills or come up with new characters would be the solution.


                  • #10
                    I don't know how anyone can be bored leveling.

                    I come online, do my vidalias (very important), then I do my training, then I'll go do bath and trade for SS. If it's 4, I'll do GRB (not leveling, but it's still important to do). NTBOM is next. Then farming dungeons (so I can upgrade wings and soul). If I'm online at 5:45, Lucky guess while I go read forums or do free xtal offers during the wait. Seed of life (alt takes care of plant while main goes for more farming). Crypt at 8. Maybe some GQ or more farming. Ladder. End of day.

                    I often don't even have time to do redemption.

                    And of course what helps is plenty of world and guild chatting
                    Never a dull moment.
                    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                    • #11
                      Play R2's new game Wartune :P


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
                        I don't know how anyone can be bored leveling.

                        I come online, do my vidalias (very important), then I do my training, then I'll go do bath and trade for SS. If it's 4, I'll do GRB (not leveling, but it's still important to do). NTBOM is next. Then farming dungeons (so I can upgrade wings and soul). If I'm online at 5:45, Lucky guess while I go read forums or do free xtal offers during the wait. Seed of life (alt takes care of plant while main goes for more farming). Crypt at 8. Maybe some GQ or more farming. Ladder. End of day.

                        I often don't even have time to do redemption.

                        And of course what helps is plenty of world and guild chatting
                        Never a dull moment.
                        Sure, you can do all of that, but eventually, when you play long enough, it ends up becoming more like a chore, instead of something "interesting" to do.

                        When you become so familiar with the game, then where's the challenge? Where's the joy in the game, after that?


                        • #13
                          Welcome to the world of Browser MMORPGs, casually known for the easy leveling with the trap of a grindfest later on


                          • #14
                            Thanks to you all guys i think i have to be more patience I think I need Spouse to help me lol..
                            Bloodfang Valley
                            IGN: TrueShotAura
                            Level: 90 + +
                            Guild: MortalElites

