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when it will be available in this version R2 crystal saga???

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  • when it will be available in this version R2 crystal saga???

    sorry if it is not the right place, just that I found these wonderful pictures, my question is will some day will give you this update?
    the maximum level of angel wings and the maximum level of the Frag Weapon. I am impatient to know when.
    that beauty and power together in a pair of angel wings

    Click image for larger version

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Size:	76.3 KB
ID:	1732369

    High Emperor Wings
    Click image for larger version

Name:	HighEmperor.jpg
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Size:	109.8 KB
ID:	1732370

    Emperor Wings
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Emperor.jpg
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Size:	111.5 KB
ID:	1732371

    Deity Feather Wings
    Click image for larger version

Name:	DeityFeatherWings.jpg
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Size:	119.6 KB
ID:	1732372

    Perfect Sword alot FS
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20120319132051.jpg
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Size:	114.7 KB
ID:	1732373

    weew cool status
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20120725105616.jpg
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Size:	80.6 KB
ID:	1732374
    Server: [S2]Adotia Isles
    IGN: Pluton
    Might: 159000
    Guild: Fatality
    Class: Expert Rifleman
    Lv: 59
    Pet: Hapi Cat Ap 355

  • #2
    My guess is the won't appear until the level cap goes up to 120, assuming they are introduced at all.
    Vampire Prince
    • Server: Aurora Point
    • Character: Alexmancerx
    • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
    • Level: Eidolon 120
    • Rank: Emperor
    • Guild: TheWanted
    • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)


    • #3
      i wonder if that mystical fragrach is available, are they change the stat of slayer orange weapon? its quit3 obvious on its stat gap.


      • #4
        Orange slayer stats won't change, but then we should be having a lvl 100 pvp set (or lvl 120 depending on R2) that has an orange weapon staying on par with 1 of the higher lvl frag. But then frag is meant to be an end-game weapon, so I won't be surprised that the best frag is better than the best orange pvp weapon.


        • #5
          25 Fragarach Shards for first Perfect form of Fragarach Weapon, DAMN. Please R2 when you implement it reduce the amount of Fragarach Shards needed for it. ><
          Stalkers OP.

          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


          • #6
            I'm pretty sure they would reduce that. Notice the lvl requirement in the screenie is lvl 30? I guess that's the old frag we had at first.


            • #7
              o.0 this is an English version? I knew the Chinese version had this stuff but what servers are these? I may switch.......


              • #8
                This is crystal legacy. If i haven't donated a lot in CS, I would've moved there already (although from my short visit, the community pretty sucked though) or to Saga of heroes europe (but it's kinda expensive there).

                Soul shard = 10 xtal , pixie upgrade = 15 xtal , and many more cheap prices, this was during ultra discount period or something though but it's much cheaper than here.

                People said, CL and saga of heroes don't really have many events for non-cashers, but the events for cashers are great IMO.

                like point of interest , they have 5x point per 1 xtal event, and those points of interest are renewed every week afaik.

                Their fragarach is better too eventhough the upgrade is much more difficult than in this version, at superior 7, you already get 2 hp vampiric skills just like in that screenshot.
                Last edited by Botolminum; 09-12-2012, 07:01 AM.


                • #9
                  I read in an other thread that the High Emperor Wings won't come until more people have maxed their wings.
                  And that we should wait for more events that help out with ethereal wings.

                  The fraga weapon will be like this someday:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	perfect10 13.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	58.1 KB
ID:	1660507

                  However, our stats are nerfed and wont be as good as their stats. This is actually a pretty good thing.
                  Imagine everyone having those stats. PvP would be even more a 1hit thing. Ladder wouldn't be a challenge anymore.

                  They also have Gems for Offhands, Rings and Necklaces! +crit strike, +atk speed, +cast speed, etc.
                  Highest enchant there is +15.

                  So we will get a ton of new content someday! The gems for the other equips drop in Exelorn Hollows apparently.
                  Immaculate wont be the highest Gem level anymore.

                  Sad truth is that ethereal wings dont seem to drop in their lvl 110 dungeon, so I'm not sure if R2 will give us that. Maybe i read that wrong tho and they refered to the Wings above ethereal wings.
                  They also have GMUTs as drop in Exelorn.

                  Their highest mount is not Phoenix, but Kylin. Kylin has a nice skill that allows you to teleport to any map!
                  But it is not that casher based over there. They have tons of mounts that are on par with phoenix or kylin. And you don't need to cash hard to get those things.

                  Let's just stay tuned


                  • #10
                    If +15 max enchantment gets implemented I can guarantee you that it'll get many people to quit after failing too many times when trying for +15.. x_x
                    Stalkers OP.

                    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                      If +15 max enchantment gets implemented I can guarantee you that it'll get many people to quit after failing too many times when trying for +15.. x_x
                      Thought so too :P

                      I recall an Enchantment Crystal that was even above Major Enchantment Crystal. Pretty expensive in their crystal shop but grands a 15% successrate per Crystal.
                      I was surprised that this items was listed for 2800 Crystal while all other items were ridiculous cheap.

                      You just gotta stock up a few stacks of Majors before you even attempt to upgrade... Wouldn't be fun if it was too easy to get +14 and +15.
                      Also not sure, maybe they did change that you wont fail back to +9. Should check that out.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post
                        Thought so too :P

                        I recall an Enchantment Crystal that was even above Major Enchantment Crystal. Pretty expensive in their crystal shop but grands a 15% successrate per Crystal.
                        I was surprised that this items was listed for 2800 Crystal while all other items were ridiculous cheap.
                        11,200 crystals for 60% successrate for 1 ATTEMPT, Sounds like a plan! (not)

                        You just gotta stock up a few stacks of Majors before you even attempt to upgrade... Wouldn't be fun if it was too easy to get +14 and +15.
                        Also not sure, maybe they did change that you wont fail back to +9. Should check that out.
                        yeah..few stacks lol, and nope still drops to +9 if you fail above that, atleast in cs ><
                        Stalkers OP.

                        Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                        • #13
                          Sigh doublepost ><
                          Stalkers OP.

                          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by venomeh View Post
                            11,200 crystals for 60% successrate for 1 ATTEMPT, Sounds like a plan! (not)

                            yeah..few stacks lol, and nope still drops to +9 if you fail above that, atleast in cs ><
                            Yea, would be ridiculous expensive. But those items do exist, who knows if there would be events like come with your +13 and get 1 of those Crystals :P
                            Would never buy them tbh xD

                            With VIP i used to farm around 40 Majors a day. Got all my equips to +13 after quite a long time. Even my fragarach dagger just by buying DC/farming my dungeons.
                            1 Stack Majors would be 1 week max. Those +14 or +15 will have much greater stats, people shouldn't get them right away. They have to put efford into it :P

                            Same with the higher level fragarach weapons. They go up by 2 fragshards per upgrade. The one after Superior 7 will need 15 Fragshards and +11 enchantment. You can see that already when you click on forge. It tells you the req.

                            I never felt like not getting enough shinings with day in vidalia, gem exchange, nm killers den and nm psychodelica.
                            It's never bad when something needs time to be obtained. It will be more special and the power gap wont widen too fast

                            just hope that all the upcoming stuff wont favor casher too much.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sebastian1988 View Post

                              Sad truth is that ethereal wings dont seem to drop in their lvl 110 dungeon, so I'm not sure if R2 will give us that. Maybe i read that wrong tho and they refered to the Wings above ethereal wings.
                              They also have GMUTs as drop in Exelorn.
                              The problem I saw in CL was everybody seems to have such a low lvl wings, I'm not sure what's the problem, heroic wings not dropping in dungeons ? or is it as rare as our DC drop ? Only 2 crazy donators have ultimate demon lord +9 on the server Aries there, all the others are only Fire wings, Demigod, etc, yeah... not even Angel lord... so if heroic wings drop are that rare, i can't imagine the ethereal wings, etc if they have it drop there.

                              Also, the 2800 xtal enchanment stone is the 100 % Dragon xtal, not the Super Major enhancement stone or whatever they called it there. I forgot if it's 100 % or not in CL, but in saga of heroes it's a dragon crystal that gives 100 % chance or something.

