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Why so many Servers?

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  • Why so many Servers?

    This is one question that never makes sense to me no matter how I look at it....

    But why is R2Games making so many servers? I get having servers for people, who live on the west coast and like PvP Servers or who live on the east coast and like PvM Servers. But they keep making more and more servers for every type of server and I'm starting to think its getting to the point, that there might be too many, but I don't know if anybody else agrees with me....

    So I'm just wanting to know two things. 1. Why are they making so many servers. And 2. Where is adding so many going from here?

    I hope someone can make these things more clear to understand and make it so this question stops bugging me....

    Thanks, KradThgink.

  • #2
    As long as there is a demand for new servers (both old players and new traffic), there will be new servers released. It should be viewed as a good thing. New servers being created means the game is going strong and will be here for quite some time still.

    A lot of people wonder why a new server is created if it's just going to be merged later. A new server gives new players a chance to compete and learn with other new players, and a chance for a player from an older server to start fresh in a new environment. Down the road, the servers are merged to repopulate the old servers.
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    • #3
      they should stop making so many pve servers the last 10? servers all pve wth is going on


      • #4
        PvP servers are some of the lowest populated servers. Players like PvP servers until they get killed a few times while trying to turn in a quest, then they decide to move to a PvE server instead.
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        • #5
          Start a poll and see who wants new pvp. Probly good idea to start poll and see who wants merged in pvp. just an opinion .


          • #6
            You are welcome to start a thread in Suggestions & Feedback with a new poll. The thing is, they released 58 and 59, both pvp servers, both ended up dead and merged super fast. 58 was merged 2 months after opening, and 59 made it to 4 months before being merged- and that was after the last high demand for pvp servers. Players from both were commenting on how dead the servers were after a month.

            However, it has been over a year since those were released, so if you guys start a poll with all 4 server types in the options, we'll keep an eye on the results. If the poll shows players are wanting a new pvp server over another pve, we'll make sure the poll is seen by those who decide such things.
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            • #7
              %9 was at least 6 months before a merge normal time before we got a merge. It was dying due to people leaving over one player who i will not name everyone knows who it was. Once he was gone the server got better and active from my understanding. I love my pvp and wish for another one, I will for sure vote on the thread for one.


              • #8
                new server new casher and CS still alive.... beside that this cash event make non casher use cheat or quit.... KORE HA JIJITSU!

