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Favorite Events!

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  • Favorite Events!

    General discussion about your favorite events! What events have you liked the most and want to see more of? This can be events that you though were particularly fun or had the best rewards.

    My favorite special events are usually ones with continuing quest and story-line attached to them, like the Christmas and Valentine's Day ones. I also like the ladder quests!

    My favorite permanent even is Avernal Realm. I like it mostly because I can see my progress and growth as a character.
    Vampire Prince
    • Server: Aurora Point
    • Character: Alexmancerx
    • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
    • Level: Eidolon 120
    • Rank: Emperor
    • Guild: TheWanted
    • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)

  • #2
    I like ladder event (both the special event with soul pack and permanent event) the most. Not only it offers a good reward during special event (a lot of SS), but the permanent one also gives SS, good exp and helps me to see my character improves too. I still remember the days when I just rebirthed to scion, no one wanted me in their pt and I only managed to solo to lvl 20. Then that limit is raised higher as days pass, first was lvl 32, 39 and now 49. But I know I will be stuck at 49 for a long time though xD At least until I can hit 100 again.


    • #3
      I liked the christmas and the Valentine's event since they did have the story line within them that made them fun. Other than that really, I don't have alot of favorites that I do over and over again. I also did like the ladder events that had the soul packs and not.


      • #4
        I liked the christmas events man those were fun the story line was cool n fighting the boss in town was epic just some good memories.


        • #5
          i love the orange event cause i can farm torches, and there are lots of torch pt at that time ^^

          GuildMaster of RevelatioN,
          Erie Marsh


          • #6
            Originally posted by ClaraFang View Post
            i love the orange event cause i can farm torches, and there are lots of torch pt at that time ^^
            I don't really like orange event ;_; could hardly get a damn spot to plant my oranges that time >< I couldn't really do SoL too T_T


            • #7
              I loved the Clover Seed event personally. Such great rewards from it. Orange seed was similar but lamer rewards.
              Ladder event is always a favorite though ^^


              • #8
                and i like crypt as permanent event, it gives nice reward and huge exp <3

                GuildMaster of RevelatioN,
                Erie Marsh


                • #9
                  special events: especially liked the clover event for the reward, and the Christmas and Valentine's events because there was a quest. Other events that are nice to have are Starglade on Fire, for once.
                  Ladder quests are great too because of the soul packs.

                  Regular events: I like crypt but it's 5AM my time so I only rarely get to do it. I like ladder, obviously, Avernal if it wasn't for the lag.
                  IGN: Sigrun
                  Server: Windshear Peaks
                  [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Mage
                  [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Priest alt: Saeunn
                  Proud owner of an [Eidolon]lvl 120 husband, parallel parked outside

                  Wartune Temple of Ibalize
                  Mage lvl 38


                  • #10
                    Oh! I hadn't even thought about that, but the orange and clover seed events were really great! <3
                    Vampire Prince
                    • Server: Aurora Point
                    • Character: Alexmancerx
                    • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
                    • Level: Eidolon 120
                    • Rank: Emperor
                    • Guild: TheWanted
                    • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)


                    • #11
                      I know everyone's gonna come at me with pitchforks but...

                      the anniversary event. What can I say...I love soul shards

                      and of course the ladder event

                      and i liked the orange event where you could make more oranges (not the mysterious orange event. I didn't like that one at all because I didn't get a single mysterious orange pack even though I participated in it fully :/)

                      and cashing-wise, the points events rule.
                      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

                      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



                      • #12
                        Honestly, I kinda liked the Anniversary event too. Sure, it probably could have been grander and more fitting of an Anniversary, but omg did I love the soul shards too xD
                        Vampire Prince
                        • Server: Aurora Point
                        • Character: Alexmancerx
                        • Class: Priest (Blood/Hybrid)
                        • Level: Eidolon 120
                        • Rank: Emperor
                        • Guild: TheWanted
                        • Pet: Dark Reaper (currently breeding ftw!)

