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Pet Bloodline question´s

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  • Pet Bloodline question´s

    Hey Folks,

    i have some questions about the Bloodline "Feature". Maybe you can help me. I want Merge my Rex but before i do this i will be sure that i can make the maximum out of him (slowly but staddy).
    For this here are the question´s about the Bloodline.

    1.0 Will the added point vanish after Merge? so that i need to build up again
    2.0 When there vanish. Will there be the stats vanish too? or will the stats Merge with the pet?
    3.0 Should i max the bloodline on the second pet? so that the aptitude Merge with the first one?

    I leave it right now by this three questions, maybe there comming more after cleared this three.

  • #2
    From what i know, I will tell you that if you max your (Phoenix pet soul) which is the ONLY one worth getting. You will get the Aptitude and the maturity that it gives when max. It will cost you so much and you will be very pleased if you wait. Also, if you breed two pets with max Phoenix Pet Soul it is most likely they will reset after breeding since a new pet will be born as Generation 2.
    Originally posted by Dr.Q
    Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


    • #3
      The primary will keep its developed pet soul.
      The secondary pet's soul will only carry other stats such as maturity and apt but will not affect the overall level of the gen 2's pet.
      Sith's Priest Guide

