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Magic tower: Questions and answers(hopefully)

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  • Magic tower: Questions and answers(hopefully)

    As we know the new system here came recently. Only been a few days but here's a bit of insight I seen so far:
    How to get started:
    First thing first: Got to be at least level 60 to enter.
    I advise to get buffs and a blessing to see how far you go since you only get one try a day (2 if you use the magic key.) Once you're set with that and your orbs are good, click the magic tower button on the bottom left hand corner of the icons -> enter.
    You'll be instantly travel to a room and every time you complete a room you'll get a reward and go to the next level.
    Note: Do not go too fast or go when a skill is still casting. This will glitch you and you'll lose out on further rewards.

    The tower seems to get more difficult every 5 levels it seems. First it starts relatively easy but around 15+ they start doing more damage and have a lot more hp (think about 1 billion if I recall.)
    The most dangerous levels I heard so far were 20(my experience), 25 and 29.

    Now for the rewards:
    Lv 1: 1-2 White Magic Orb
    Lv 2: 1-2 White Magic Orb
    Lv 3: 1 Magic Essence
    Lv 4: 1-2 White Magic Orb
    Lv 5: 1-2 White Magic Orb
    Lv 6: 1 Magic Essence
    Lv 7: 1 Green Magic Orb *
    Lv 8: 1 Green Magic Orb
    Lv 9: 1 Magic Essence
    Lv 10: 1 Green Magic Orb
    Lv 11: 1 Blue Magic Orb *
    Lv 12: 1 Magic Essence
    Lv 13: 1 Blue Magic Orb
    Lv 14: 1 Blue Magic Orb
    Lv 15: 2 Magic Essence
    Lv 16: 1 Yellow Magic Orb *
    Lv 17: 1 Yellow Magic Orb
    Lv 18: 2 Magic Essence
    Lv 19: 1 Yellow Magic Orb
    Thanks to kylina and sangofighter:
    lv 20: 1 Yellow Magic Orb
    Lv 21: 2 Magic Essence
    Lv 22: 1 Purple Magic Orb **
    Lv 23: 1 Purple Magic Orb
    Lv 24: 2 Magic Essence
    Lv 25: 1 Purple Magic Orb
    Lv 26: 1 Orange Magic Orb
    Lv 27: 2 Magic Essence
    Lv 28: 1 Orange Magic Orb**
    Lv 29: 1 Orange Magic Orb
    Lv 30: 2 Magic Essence
    * - I'm not sure if any of the orbs can get more than 1. Out of 5 runs, I haven't had any luck getting 2 in a floor other than white orb and the magic essence on 15 and 18. If anyone has more info on the extra levels and/or they get 2 of the other essence, it'll greatly be appreciated.

    ** Can vary from 1-2 orbs.

    Some tips for certain levels:
    Lv 20: Even though they are range, just like VL, they like to be in melee distance before they attack. so kiting might be the best option. Although for some classes it might be harder than others. I only play a priest but I'll try to give some tips for each class and hope for the best.
    Priest: No bloodpool: use Phlagematic(slow) curse to slow them, then the other two curses to lock in place and then use bloodpact for the aoe proc. Keep running in circle to make sure they go over the curse and reapply and using bloodpact. Keep doing this til all 4 are dead.
    Have bloodpool: Same plan except can use bloodpool if one is about to die to finish it off. Just make sure to run after 3s or so.
    Mage: Can kite just like above. My friend never said how to dodge the initial hit but getting hit once oppose to 4 is a lot better. Kite around to stun and/or firewave or any other frag procing skills (have very little info on mage sorry).
    Knight: Invince: use it at the beginning and spam saber slash with your other skills. Around 6s, start running til you can invince again. Can have wave on if you wish for a little more dps.
    Bloodlust: Some can tank right through but if not, can run around, get some distance and use fight on to widdle their hp. Not sure if fight on makes pet attack. If it does, and have an aoe charm/stun pet, can use that to have your few seconds of beating up the pheonix. Just remember to run before timer is out.
    Ranger: If I'm right, jsut run around to time invince(kinda tricky) and/or run around using rain of arrows (aoe proc too.)
    Rogue: I don't have much experience on this. It might work, but can try the stun/shadow strike technique and hope for the best? Not sure to be honest.

    Lv 25:
    Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
    25th floor seems to be the hardest since they can they cleave a good % of your hp. Suggestion to beat them is make sure you have buffs and run to the left corner in 24 and afk before u go into 25. Using Burning Angel pets will be helpful in silencing them. Hopefully u can take 3 instead of 4.
    Note on 25: They have decently good defense. Frost went from doing 600k or so dmg from 1-24, but 100k at 25.
    The above can help in a lot of the levels past 20. 21-24 is relatively easy compare to 20. They hit quite a bit but do half the damage as 20. Interesting notes:

    Lv 26: Hit as hard as 20. So do the same plan as above or as 25. Whichever you feel is easier for you
    Lv 27: Ice queen lookalike . It has quite the hp, but it hits very hard. Take warning.
    lv 28: the easiest level by far. Only threat is they have a high health pool. So can afk right in.
    Lv 29: They hit twice as hard as 26. Same plan as what you do on 20.
    Lv 30: Can afk right in I believe. Boss confused me but no real threat that I've seen. You just have to afk through.

    One big change I did: I use blood breaking kill combination (pure + pure + wit.) It helps immensely on the levels above since they have so much health. it was procing 7-15 mill. Except for 29 it was procing 39 mill. So it's definitely a life saver with frag.
    just an offer, but do what works best for you. just some tips to try to tackle the above levels.
    How to upgrade:
    Once you have the required amount of orbs and essence, open the magic tower and click the upgrade button. The maturity of orb will tell you how much it'll increase the bar up top when you hover over it.
    Good news, you don't have to go in order. You can upgrade what you see fit or what you can spare. In other words, you don't have to get white orb level 1 to get the green orb level 1 to get the blue orb to level 1 and so on. If you got enough material you can upgrade blue first without upgrading the white orb for example.
    Thus, the order of highest to lowest Maturity vs essence use[not factoring the ease/difficulty it is of getting the orbs] are:
    Yellow(4th to the right) -> Blue(3rd to the right) -> green(second to the right) = purple(5th to the right) > white(first) = red(last).

    Interesting Notes:
    Level 30 ladder seems to give an extra stat. It does go up each level. I Also wonder if the higher levels give an interesting reward; let say level 60 maybe if it goes that high.

    1) I'm curious as to why the purple and red quality give a lower output for the tower as you go up. A bit weird for the orbs that are a lot harder to get give less output than one would expect.
    2) Mention above, Is it possible to get more than 1 green/blue/yellow/red(?)/purple(?) orb per level like the white orb?

    If any input, I'll be glad to read. Hope this relieves some confusion on the tower. If any more questions I(or anyone else if they know the answer) can do our best to answer them.
    Last edited by reinviting; 06-16-2014, 09:37 AM.

  • #2
    Maybe i should give it a try Thanks for the info


    • #3
      It's nice to do. Nothing wrong with a bit of added stats here and there. Anytime =]


      • #4
        So every 1&2 floor its mobs and 3rd floor is always a Boss which drops magic essence.
        I think every thing after 25 is orange orb (not really sure).

        25th floor seems to be the hardest since they can they cleave a good % of your hp. Suggestion to beat them is make sure you have buffs and run to the left corner in 24 and afk before u go into 25. Using Burning Angel pets will be helpful in silencing them. Hopefully u can take 3 instead of 4.


        • #5
          20 is yellow orbs, 21 is 2 essence. 22-23, purple orbs, 24, 2 essence, 25-26, purple orbs, 27, 2 essence. 28-29, orange orbs. 30, 2 essence. hitting close on the chest after beating 30 takes you back to starglade. I can't say the number of the orbs, as sometimes I get 1, others 2. It seems to vary a little.
          The one and only Krysia from Sea of dreams (Thank god for that; one of me is too many!)


          • #6
            Ah that helps a lot thank you. Only time I got more than 1 is the white orb only sadly. One day maybe xD.

            Thanks again for the help. Added it to the first post. If you'll like me to change the name/quote just let me know. Thanks again
            Last edited by reinviting; 06-03-2014, 06:22 AM.


            • #7
              Sorry for the double post. Tried my best giving tips on how to pass 20 for each class. If anyone got a better tip/additional add on, I'll be glad to add.


              • #8
                Lvl 26 is orange orb, also 29 has is like 25 hard.


                • #9
                  29 is like 25 in that they hit just as hard, or the dmg reduction they have?
                  Also put for level 25 and 29 then if you use the same tactic?

                  Put the note on 26 thank you =]


                  • #10
                    25 is prolly the hardest,if i was back to bloodlust then prolly np on any but 25 beat 30 imo cuz ofc 4 mobs beat just 1 Queen,didn't really find 29 that hard but guess knight/bloodlust/op well ofc u have to be somewhat OP to do 25-30 anyways most insta die on 20


                    • #11
                      Took a bit but I think I got it. 25 does do wonders *.*. 29 hit a bit hard ~ 2x level 20 and 26(20 and 26 do the same dmg)

                      That is true. See a drop in damage 25+? and see the damage on 28? I got to 30 and beat it today. saw 28 was laughable dmg. It's the same anticipation as 27 ladder.

                      The queen is very easy too. Going to update above. Thanks for the input


                      • #12
                        25 is very difficult if you do not have a good soul and cashed out tenet :/ i cannot even pass it unless i run out of buffs after 30+ minutes.
                        Originally posted by Dr.Q
                        Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


                        • #13
                          More or less true. I believe they got the same def as level 28(the last 5) and from what I saw, one would need at least 200k+ attack to do any noticeable damage. I was doing constant 1 crits until wing proc(which put me a bit above 200k), then it went upward to 200k-400k.

                          Getting hit 1 mill+ a pop is always fun xP.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by reinviting View Post
                            More or less true. I believe they got the same def as level 28(the last 5) and from what I saw, one would need at least 200k+ attack to do any noticeable damage. I was doing constant 1 crits until wing proc(which put me a bit above 200k), then it went upward to 200k-400k.

                            Getting hit 1 mill+ a pop is always fun xP.
                            Honestly, i still cannot pass 25 even with 250k attack. Like i said, you will need a large amount of tenet upgrade >_> like always.
                            Originally posted by Dr.Q
                            Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KidSess View Post
                              Honestly, i still cannot pass 25 even with 250k attack. Like i said, you will need a large amount of tenet upgrade >_> like always.
                              I'm not sure how well this will work for knights, but i usually just kite it. I havent found the time to try to go 28+ without havin to go afk. I guess i would say use BA/GA charm or DK/ED aoe stun, invi for a bit, use the 130 or 140 skill Charge and run around a bit til they CD. I wouldnt try to tank it out with the dmg they hit.
                              S63 Hellstorm
                              Info: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

