i did a few Free xtal things and i didn't get reward for them. When do i get the rewards? D:
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Free xtals
some of the free xtal offers take 24 hours, others seems it takes a week. also, you have to stay logged in to recieve the free xtals. there are very few that take longer than 24 hours but some of them dont actually work either. i suggest not using peanut labs, has never worked for me or any of my friend free xtal offer users.Zombies Ate My Pizza______Crystal Saga
Lvl 40 Commando_________Lvl 90 Scion Priest
(S1) Anime Guild_________(S18) Judgement Guild
The path of least resistance, is often the path of most regret.
Originally posted by blackrosejokerf View Postsome of the free xtal offers take 24 hours, others seems it takes a week. also, you have to stay logged in to recieve the free xtals. there are very few that take longer than 24 hours but some of them dont actually work either. i suggest not using peanut labs, has never worked for me or any of my friend free xtal offer users.
I'm currently working on a guideprobably have it up in a few days.
LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest
LVL 55 eidolon ice mage