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is this a relevant section?

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  • is this a relevant section?

    the thread is game discussion, however, the only ones other then players posting here are mods, whom have proclaimed they have *nothing* to do with anything in-game, so...unless GMs actually read this section, it would behoove the owners of the forum to delete said section as a waste of bandwidth


  • #2
    i did always wonder do they actually see stuff players write and complain here or is forum just to make it look they care? there is been few good events lately and never see any saying event was good but always some complaining. personally it doesnt matter to me, playing just to have fun but right now its too boring cause missing alot if ANY who can actually effect on it reads this, plz we need merge!


    • #3
      well now that you mention merge, and since this is (until deleted for lack of GM audience) a place for game discussion, yes merge would be very beneficial. Since we all know the reasons FOR merge, are there any reasons AGAINST merge?

      lets play devil's advocate:

      without merge, server pop stays low, who benefits from this?
      hmm i suppose those that dont want any competition in events like ave/trove/HS/Gr/ etc would love to keep the status quo

      Really cant think of any other reason *against* merge, if you have some great ideas, list them below, lets figure this thing out. there isnt a merge scheduled anytime soon because...


      • #4
        we do need merge bad... and if r2 cares join us on our next lg.. maybe then youll understand why we keep asking for merge. our server seems lively causee we are making it lively even if only 5 to 10 people on.. we are trying to save
        our server and you are trying to kill it... as far as im concern... im not going anywhere.. this is my server and im here to stay... so again asking politely , please give us the merge we are asking.. thank you


        • #5
          Originally posted by twyla View Post
          we do need merge bad... and if r2 cares join us on our next lg.. maybe then youll understand why we keep asking for merge. our server seems lively causee we are making it lively even if only 5 to 10 people on.. we are trying to save
          our server and you are trying to kill it... as far as im concern... im not going anywhere.. this is my server and im here to stay... so again asking politely , please give us the merge we are asking.. thank you
          +1 for that, its other players wich makes it fun


          • #6
            Read it and weep:

