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which do u guys think is better ??

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  • which do u guys think is better ??

    blood lust followed by fight on or shield of thorns followed by angellic blessing ...................................................
    would like some info abt this frm some kind knight eildy ..........................
    ik shield sucks and the eildy skill is awesome and other way round for the bloodlust one

    and how do u add the info abt u on every post of urs automatically?
    Last edited by diablu; 03-27-2013, 05:11 AM. Reason: noob question :/

  • #2
    Both of the trees's special skills for knight have their purpose. blood lust/Fight on(awakening) are good for pve, ladder, and all your other pve things. Where as shield of thorns and angelica blessing are great for pvp.

    Also a bit of info on angelicas blessing is that is cant not be debuff by other debuffing skills thus this skill is great for all pvp. Also as a side note, take bloodlust and fight on untill lv 120 cause angelicas blessing does have a down side as you seen you do lose quite a bit of dmg % depending on lv. a lv 6 its 8 seconds of immunity to all damage, stun and draging/pushing with only a 5% dmg lose their for its only worth getting if your able to max it!
    Char: BlackKnight(lvl 140 Eidolon Knight), Jellah(7x priest) Gimina(lv 5x mortal rogue)
    Server: Glacial Planes.
    Guild: Mortal Elites (Sage)

    For in depth knight guide click the link below

    "Let failure be your guide for in failure you learn how to play"


    • #3
      oh coool thnx

