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Question regarding Bloodlust

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  • Question regarding Bloodlust

    Should become Scion in a week or so and I had a question about Bloodlust..

    The description doesn't really say whether you get healed for the damage you do or just tics of heals based on hp, I need to know if I need to start buffing my hp or attack speed/damage
    Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight

    Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€*
    Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)

    If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime

  • #2
    Bloodlust allows you to suck a percentage of your opponent's hp away during battle. This is returned to you as a heal. This means every time you attack a target, you will see a heal on yourself. If you are fighting a group and use an AOE skill, you will see ticks of heals from all the targets that got hit. Pet attacks don't trigger this skill, just so you know.

    Your hp and damage output aren't taken into consideration, but I suppose increasing your attack speed will help.
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    • #3
      So if I have 100k hp and 50k hp the heal tic is gonna be the same for each? i guess I'm just confused as to how the amount healed scales, I understand it comes from attacks but what's going to give me the biggest heal possible?
      Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight

      Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€*
      Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)

      If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime


      • #4
        You made me go pay attention to all the numbers.

        On mobs, I get 11% of the damage I inflicted returned back to me as a heal (my bloodlust is at lvl 6) when I needed more than one hit to kill the mob. If it took two hits, then the second hit was 11% of the damage that hit to kill the mob (for example if I hit for 10,000 and the mob only had 4,000 hp left, it's 11% of the 4,000).

        So, if you increase your damage output, you will indeed see a higher heal returned to you when your target has more HP than your damage output.
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        • #5
          Ohhhh yeah! Thanks for running that test for me Memory!!! I know what I need to do now
          Deathicator ~ Level 65 Scion Knight

          Guildmaster of â€*Templarâ€*
          Honor: Elector (Ranked #1 on Server)

          If you give a noob a mat, you feed him for a day; If you teach a noob to farm, you feed him for a lifetime


          • #6
            Glad you understand what I was saying there :P
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            • #7
              EDIT: off topic
              Last edited by Toki-sama; 08-19-2012, 07:37 PM.
              IGN: Toki
              Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
              Class: HalfBlood Priest
              Current lvl: Scion 80+
              Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

              ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

              "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
              --e.e. cummings

