i dont know if any of you noticed how bad the enchanting has gotten i have a pretty good system with no lag and i have used thousands upon thousands of mec and smec to enchant gear for it to do nothing but fail over and over and over again r2 new
news flash it is not my fault that your enchanting is garbage i have wasted many items that took months to farm for it to just fail at such a rate i will not cash anymore on this game til you fix the problem i tried writing u a ticket and u tell me some generic answer like send me a screenshot of it failing how in the hell am i suppose to show u that on a screen shot another thing that pisses me off is how enchanting was fine one day before u added all this new now it is just i speak for the majority because i have personally spoken to them about there problems with your enchanting system there just afraid to say because of your generic answers that u give to all of us so im going to stand up and be heard and say what they wont say cuz they worried bout there toon getting banned for a short period of time im going to say it is your fault r2 that your enchanting is like it is we spend our our earned money on this game game for in game stuff to be always bugged fix your game r2....IGN server 32 moongoddess
quit sc rewing people and maybe people would cash more

quit sc rewing people and maybe people would cash more