Are you afraid being scammed? Now, I have some few ideas that might help you avoid being scammed by someone.
Selling Clothes/Costumes and other cash shop items- this is the most common transaction on this game as far as I know.
Tips for the seller:
1.If you already knew the person or if he/she is well known on your server, you can gift him/her the item first.
2.If you don't know the person you are selling the cash shop items, this is how you gonna make the transaction:
a. Since there is a Market place in the forum, make a post that you are selling that kind of item. Have the buyer post his message that he is interested on the equipment. Have him post his character name if possible. Once you have agreed with the amount, put on the post that this person is buying the item and all the details. This is important so that if something happened to the transaction, you have a back up detailed information.
3.What if the buyer is a low level character or a newbie? This means even if he follow the number 2 tip, still useless since it is probably an alternate player being used to scam. Don't judge also newbies because probably they really have gold to buy. Note: Don't sounds unprofessional just because he is newbie. Maintain good manner. Now this is the idea, if you are a high level player and a well known person in the server, have him/her trade his gold first to you and you can give him/her that cash item after. Now, what if he refuse to agree with the trading procedure? Do not continue with the transaction. Unless you know the main character of the newbie. Put yourself on a safe place this time.
4.Make a sample trade to the buyer and let him show his gold. This tip is not an assurance for a successful trade since what if he has the gold but he refuse to give it to you after you give him the item but you can still use this tip.
Tips for the buyer:
1.If you already knew the person or if he/she is well known on your server, you can give him the gold first.
2.Do the same on the tip no.2 above.
3.This time what if the one selling is a newbie player that is very new on your server? Note: Do not judge newbies, they might be a possible cash player in the future. If you are a high level player or a well known person in the server, have him send the gift first to you and you can give him the gold afterwards. What if he's not gonna agree with the procedure?Do not continue with the transaction. Play safe always.
4.Check for VIP. If he's a VIP player it will give a hint that he is capable of buying items using crystal.
5.This one might be a crazy idea but probably helpful. Have him take a screenshot on his inventory or cash shop table showing his crystals. After that post it on the post or thread that you made based on the number 2 tip above. This tip is still not an assurance because what if after giving him the gold, he will refuse to send the gift item.
Now, this is just and idea and tips that will guide you. The most important thing is how you handle the situation by using your intelligence. Another thing, Be professional at all times on doing this type of transactions. Avoid being rude. Don't judge the person right away.
WARNING: There are a numbers of alternate character created everyday to do fraud,scam and other malicious things. Be aware.