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  • bla2400
    started a topic Pets.


    Hello their,

    Im starting to think that the pet learning system might be bugged. For some odd reasion at lvl 39 my demon king learned mangle I had deleted the skill however it has not yet learned a skill and it opened up its 4th slot at lvl 45 since I opened only 3. It is now lvl 64 and has not learned a single skill since lvl 39. This is not the first time it has done this the first rebirth I did on it did the same thing at lvl 42 after I deleted a skill and it opened its 4th slot at lvl 45...and on the first time I had it it did the same thing right at lvl 60 when I opened all its slots...So either im super unlucky with my pet or something is really screwed up with the pet system and would like the know...WHAT IN THE BLUE CORN BREADED HELL is going on!!!

  • MemoryLane
    Moving thread to the General Support section

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  • bla2400
    Im actually happy now, it learned omnipotance.

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  • KodaBear
    Don't feel bad, my Super Demon has been the same way since level 35 or so. Currently sitting at 71 with 2 open slots and nothing ;-;

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  • MemoryLane
    Pets only have a chance to learn skills. Pets can learn skills that have been deleted before. The level slots open once the pet reaches certain levels.

    There is a chance to max your pet and it not learn all the skills for all the open slots, just as there is a chance to learn a skill at every level up.

    Does this cover your issue, or is there another piece to the puzzle I've missed?

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