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Helpp alt missing

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  • Helpp alt missing

    GM,please help! My alt mermaide2 gone its already 3 days..when i was log in it connect to another alt Although very strange because 2 alt mine has long been deleted but back again . While my alt mermaide2 new often missing.Why often like that??

    Name: Mermaide
    level: 112
    Place: Crimson Grove
    Sever: Crimson Groves
    Name: Mermaide
    Lvl: 44(+)
    Class: Priest

  • #2
    Characters that are deleted do not simply restore themselves, so it may be an issue with how you are shifting between accounts. When doing so, make sure you are completely logged out of one account before logging into another. You can also clear your browser history and cache to make sure your login doesn't redirect you back to another alt account.

