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  • banned

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Name:	NOWW.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.4 KB
ID:	1734083
    Dear r2,

    Yesterday my friend and I recharged to get exp (torch package) because today is the last day on warrior calls event.
    But now when we try to log in to torch, we discovered that my friend got banned for no reason? he says he Sent in alot of ticket to which Cherry R2 only replies "just wait for the ban to expire. Thank you..!"

    can u kindly explain why my friend got banned, and what happens now to the money we topped up? bear in mind we only recharged to hit the level rewards.

    Your prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Well one reason I can think of, from what it sounds like in your post at least (do correct me if I'm mistaken), is that you and your friend are sharing the same account...

    But it would be nice if the GMs actually told your friend exactly why you were banned. How are you supposed to learn not to do it again if you're not told what you did wrong?
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      not nice ! they never reply why my friend got banned


      • #4
        ah exactly squint. agree that r2 shld tell him WHAT he did wrong


        To R2,

        hes trying to ask why he got banned because he has submitted ticket many many times, and it has never been explained to him WHY he got banned

        from what I know he has not hacked, or cheated or exploited any glitch. and is being ignored. And today is LAST day of warriors call. Can r2 pls reply him on his alleged offence which warrants a ban at this critical moment?

        Let me remind u, that u did indeed mute a friend of mine by accident so how do we know this ban isnt a mistake either?


        • #5
          and they never answer

          never reply...

          and the days vip what ? more nice ....
          Last edited by MemoryLane; 01-09-2013, 08:35 PM. Reason: Merged posts

