ok im a professional gamer... and you guys are utterly stupid. what youve just done with the gmuts has screwed and annoyed many players. i understand that ur tryin to reduce the amount of ppl getting free shop items via mount extravaganza, but really? with the price of ur shop items you actually expect people to buy? think about it... gmuts pucs wtv, are all way over priced... we might as well just send a money order away for nothing considering all upgrade items fail 99% of the time. its the biggest waste of money ever to buy anything at all.
and here's why i say that. this is a very prime example. if i want to upgrade my pixie to the holy terrene it would cost me $1400, just for the pucs. not to mention the 200 soul shards at $1.15 a piece. and all the crystal essence that i would need... are you guys that ignorant and stupid? somebody could go buy an xbox360 a ps3 and several games for both plus online memberships and game expansions and be entertained for life. and thats just for one tiny little thing in this game. not to mention heroic ethereal and divine wings. so ur trying to force people to buy their gmuts, and i would expect ur plan to back fire. if you guys were smart you would reduce the price of these items drastically instead of increase, and your sales would go thru the roof. your sales could increase by 1000% easily if the price was right, thus making u more profit.
the whole point of all this was really just to say, #%&@ you, i quit. and so have roughly a dozen of my friends who have paid good money over the last year. but thats how u want it, get ppl to come i and spend money, then quit when they figure out how ignorant and greedy r2 is and u keep the cycle going. u should try doing good business and keeping people happy. idiots.
and here's why i say that. this is a very prime example. if i want to upgrade my pixie to the holy terrene it would cost me $1400, just for the pucs. not to mention the 200 soul shards at $1.15 a piece. and all the crystal essence that i would need... are you guys that ignorant and stupid? somebody could go buy an xbox360 a ps3 and several games for both plus online memberships and game expansions and be entertained for life. and thats just for one tiny little thing in this game. not to mention heroic ethereal and divine wings. so ur trying to force people to buy their gmuts, and i would expect ur plan to back fire. if you guys were smart you would reduce the price of these items drastically instead of increase, and your sales would go thru the roof. your sales could increase by 1000% easily if the price was right, thus making u more profit.
the whole point of all this was really just to say, #%&@ you, i quit. and so have roughly a dozen of my friends who have paid good money over the last year. but thats how u want it, get ppl to come i and spend money, then quit when they figure out how ignorant and greedy r2 is and u keep the cycle going. u should try doing good business and keeping people happy. idiots.